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Find Photos in iPhoto in the Finder

Looking for the file associated with a photo in iPhoto? In iPhoto, to view a photo's file in the Finder, Control-click it and choose Show File from the contextual menu that appears. You can then drag the file's icon into an Open dialog to upload it to a photo-sharing service, for instance, but whatever you do, don't move or rename that file!

Visit iPhoto '09: Visual QuickStart Guide



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PowerBooks Get Zipped

PowerBooks Get Zipped -- Owners of PowerBooks with expansion bays - the 190, 5300, 1400, 3400, and G3 models - will finally be able to use their storehouse of Zip disks on the road without packing an external drive and its bulky power supply. VST announced last week the first shipments of its hot-swappable internal PowerBook Zip drives that read and write to Iomega's popular 100 MB disks. The long-delayed drives ship with one Zip disk containing a bootable version of Mac OS 8 pre-installed; the drive itself is ready to run out of the box, replacing the removable floppy drive or CD-ROM. The thought that an internal Zip drive might become a reality was one of the main factors that led me to purchase a 5300cs over a year ago. Suggested retail for the drives is $349.95. [JLC]

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