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Set Password Activation Time in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, you can now set an amount of time after your Mac goes to sleep or engages the screen saver before it requires a password to log back on. In Leopard, the option was simply to require the password or not. Choose among several increments, between 5 seconds and 4 hours, from System Preferences > Security.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Fetch Updated

Fetch Updated -- Jim Matthews recently released Fetch 3.0, the latest version of the popular $25 shareware FTP client for the Mac. Fetch 3.0 retains the look of previous versions, but has changed to support multiple connections and bookmark lists. Other important new features include drag & drop, better AppleScript support, Internet Config support, better support for various firewall technologies and Open Transport, plus persistent directory list caching. Overall, it's an excellent and useful upgrade. [ACE] fetch.html


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