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Cull Graphics Quickly with Preview

You're faced with a folder full of images, and you need to sort through them, trashing some number and keeping the rest. For a quick way to do that, select them all, and open them in Preview (in Leopard, at least). You'll get a single window with each graphic as an item in the drawer. Use the arrow keys to move from image to image, and when you see one you want to trash, press Command-Delete to move it from its source folder to the Finder's Trash. (Delete by itself just removes the picture from Preview's drawer.)



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Another capitalist feeding frenzy season is upon us, and we at TidBITS are going to help in our usual fashion, by soliciting new, unique, or interesting gift ideas for the Macintosh user on your listShow full article

Apple Cuts Prices on Consumer Macs

Apple Cuts Prices on Consumer Macs -- Apple announced Friday it was cutting prices on a series of Performa and Power Macintosh models (including two DOS Compatible models) in an effort to target holiday shoppers and year-end purchasersShow full article

ClarisWorks Update

ClarisWorks Update -- Claris's recent release of ClarisWorks 4.0v2 fixes a number of problems and enables ClarisWorks 4 users to save files in ClarisWorks 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 formatShow full article

UMAX Licences Mac OS

UMAX Licences Mac OS -- On 27-Nov-95, UMAX Data Systems, Inc. (UDS) a Taiwanese manufacturer, announced an agreement with Apple to license the Mac OS and manufacture machines built to the PowerPC Platform beginning in late 1996Show full article

Apple Announces Chinese Dictation System

Apple Announces Chinese Dictation System -- On 28-Nov-95, Apple announced a Chinese Dictation Kit, which converts spoken Mandarin (Putonghua) speech into simplified or traditional Chinese textShow full article

World Wide Web Weaver 1.0

Best Enterprises recently released World Wide Web Weaver 1.0. This commercial release looks like Best Enterprise's shareware HTML Web Weaver, but its code is totally newShow full article

Stars on the Cheap

Silicon Valley doesn't have a monopoly on good software, of course, but when it comes to planetarium simulators, the United States may well be trailing behindShow full article

Macintosh PPP Overview (Part 1)

As an increasing number of people access the Internet via a Mac and a modem, the software they use to connect becomes increasingly important. The connection software combination of MacTCP and either a SLIP or PPP program has become popular, because it gives people full TCP-based Internet connections that enable them to run programs like Anarchie, Netscape, NewsWatcher, and EudoraShow full article

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