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Customize Open/Save Dialog Sidebars

You can customize the sidebar in an Open/Save dialog the same way you can in a Finder window: you can reorder the position of items, drag them off into puff-of-smoke oblivion, and even drag a folder from the dialog's list into the sidebar.

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Sharon Zardetto



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 306 Next: TidBITS 308

Giving Back to the Net

Giving Back to the Net -- We're pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, America Online, the largest of the commercial online services. We've razzed AOL on occasion for blitzing us with AOL software disks, but as the commercial online services go, AOL has been the most forward-thinkingShow full article

"Day Of Protest" Against Net Censorship

"Day Of Protest" Against Net Censorship -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation - in conjunction with the ACLU, the Center for Democracy and Technology, and a host of other groups - is organizing a national day of protest on 12-Dec-95 in an effort to derail legislation before the U.SShow full article

Important News for Speed Doubler Users

Important News for Speed Doubler Users -- Late last week, Connectix released Speed Doubler 1.1 to correct a serious problem with the Speed Access component of Speed DoublerShow full article

ClarisWorks 4 Updater Update

ClarisWorks 4 Updater Update -- Unfortunately, the new ClarisWorks 4 updater (see TidBITS-306) only works with the U.S. version of ClarisWorks. Dieder Bylsma was the first to point this out: "People with international versions will not be able to update their system until later on this month when Claris releases an updater for them." My apologies to anyone who downloaded the updater and then found that it didn't workShow full article

Norton Disk Doctor 3.2.1

Norton Disk Doctor 3.2.1 -- Symantec has released a patch for Norton Disk Doctor 3.2 to address an incompatibility with the Custom Partitioning feature in FWB's Hard Disk ToolkitShow full article

Drive Setup 1.0.3

Drive Setup 1.0.3 -- Apple has released version 1.0.3 of Drive Setup, a program used to format, partition, and test Apple SCSI and IDE hard disks. Version 1.0.3 makes no changes to the SCSI driver (so many people won't need it), but the new IDE driver fixes cache-flushing problems on machines with IDE hard disks (including 580 and 630-series Macs) plus corrects a crashing problem that may occur while waking up a PowerBook 190, 2300, or 5300Show full article

Truncated Uploads with Fetch

Truncated Uploads with Fetch -- Several people have reported a bug with Fetch 3.0 truncating uploads on PCI Power Macs using Open Transport via a SLIP or PPP connectionShow full article

1995 Gift Suggestions

First, thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions! I received way too many to include all of them, even after some judicious editing, so I decided to stick to a few basic rulesShow full article

Macintosh PPP Overview (Part 2)

[This week we finish Travis's overview of PPP software for the Macintosh begun in TidBITS-306, highlighting ongoing PPP projects as well as commercial PPP implementationsShow full article

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