Subkey or entry icon <{Class-GUID}>

Subkey or entry icon <Accessibility-option>

Subkey or entry icon <Adapter-GUID>

Subkey or entry icon <Adapter-GUID>

Subkey or entry icon <Adapter-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Calendar-ID>

Subkey or entry icon <Class-ID>

Subkey or entry icon <Class-ID>

Subkey or entry icon <code-page>

Subkey or entry icon <Color>

Subkey or entry icon <console-window-name>

Subkey or entry icon <ControlSet00n>

Subkey or entry icon <Device-number (000n)>

Subkey or entry icon <DLL-name>

Subkey or entry icon <domain>:<user-name>

Subkey or entry icon <DosKeybCode>

Subkey or entry icon <DosKeybID>

Subkey or entry icon <Drive letter>

Subkey or entry icon <driver-name>

Subkey or entry icon <driver-name>

Subkey or entry icon <element-name>

Subkey or entry icon <element-name>

Subkey or entry icon <element-name>

Subkey or entry icon <file-name or driver-name>

Subkey or entry icon <file-name or driver-name>

Subkey or entry icon <file-name>

Subkey or entry icon <font-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Font-name>

Subkey or entry icon <group-number>

Subkey or entry icon <interface-name>

Subkey or entry icon <IP address of pull partner>

Subkey or entry icon <IP address of push partner>

Subkey or entry icon <Keyboard layout code>

Subkey or entry icon <Keyboard layout code>

Subkey or entry icon <Language-code>

Subkey or entry icon <language-ID>

Subkey or entry icon <layout-number>

Subkey or entry icon <locale>

Subkey or entry icon <Log-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Monitor>

Subkey or entry icon <Option#>

Subkey or entry icon <Pattern>

Subkey or entry icon <pod-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Pool-number>

Subkey or entry icon <printer-name>

Subkey or entry icon <printer-name>

Subkey or entry icon <printer-name>

Subkey or entry icon <processor-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Profile-number>

Subkey or entry icon <Profile-number>

Subkey or entry icon <Realm-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Scheme-name>

Subkey or entry icon <server-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Server-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Server-name>

Subkey or entry icon <service-name>

Subkey or entry icon <SID>

Subkey or entry icon <SID>

Subkey or entry icon <sort-code>

Subkey or entry icon <Source-name>

Subkey or entry icon <Zone-name>

Subkey or entry icon (Network adapters) {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Subkey or entry icon \Device\Serial#


Subkey or entry icon \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SAM



Subkey or entry icon \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM

Subkey or entry icon \REGISTRY\USER\<Security ID number>

Subkey or entry icon \REGISTRY\USER\.DEFAULT

Subkey or entry icon {1AA7F83F-C7F5-11D0-A376-00C04FC9DA04}

Subkey or entry icon {1AA7F840-C7F5-11D0-A376-00C04FC9DA04}

Subkey or entry icon {1AA7F841-C7F5-11D0-A376-00C04FC9DA04}

Subkey or entry icon {1AA7F846-C7F5-11D0-A376-00C04FC9DA04}

Subkey or entry icon {450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}

Subkey or entry icon {BDEADF00-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}

Subkey or entry icon 1.0

Subkey or entry icon 13

- A -

Subkey or entry icon AcceptVJCompression

Subkey or entry icon Accessibility

Subkey or entry icon Accounting

Subkey or entry icon AccountLockout

Subkey or entry icon AckTimeout

Subkey or entry icon ACP

Subkey or entry icon ActiveDesktop

Subkey or entry icon ActiveProvider

Subkey or entry icon ActiveProvider

Subkey or entry icon ActiveWndTrkTimeout

Subkey or entry icon ActivityLogFlag

Subkey or entry icon Adapters

Subkey or entry icon Adapters

Subkey or entry icon Adapters

Subkey or entry icon AdapterTimeoutCacheTime

Subkey or entry icon Add

Subkey or entry icon AddPrinterDrivers

Subkey or entry icon Address

Subkey or entry icon AddressAnswerLimit

Subkey or entry icon AdminComponent

Subkey or entry icon Advanced

Subkey or entry icon AeDebug

Subkey or entry icon Aging

Subkey or entry icon Alerter

Subkey or entry icon AlertNames

Subkey or entry icon allocatecdroms

Subkey or entry icon allocatedasd

Subkey or entry icon allocatefloppies

Subkey or entry icon Allow Browse

Subkey or entry icon Allow Browse

Subkey or entry icon Allow LM Authentication

Subkey or entry icon Allow SNMP Set

Subkey or entry icon AllowClientIpAddresses

Subkey or entry icon AllowedPaths

Subkey or entry icon AllowLockdownBrowse

Subkey or entry icon AllowLockdownMedia

Subkey or entry icon AllowLockdownPatch

Subkey or entry icon AllowRepInNonMixed

Subkey or entry icon AllowUnqualifiedQuery

Subkey or entry icon AllowUpdate

Subkey or entry icon AllowUserRawAccess

Subkey or entry icon Alternate Sorts

Subkey or entry icon AlternateShell

Subkey or entry icon AlwaysInstallElevated

Subkey or entry icon AlwaysInstallElevated

Subkey or entry icon AlwaysPinSubFolders

Subkey or entry icon AlwaysWithoutDS

Subkey or entry icon APIProtocolSupport

Subkey or entry icon App Management

Subkey or entry icon App Management

Subkey or entry icon AppData

Subkey or entry icon Appearance

Subkey or entry icon AppendToLogFile

Subkey or entry icon AppInit_DLLs

Subkey or entry icon ApplyToRemovableMedia

Subkey or entry icon ArpAlwaysSourceRoute

Subkey or entry icon ArpCacheLife

Subkey or entry icon ArpCacheMinReferencedLife

Subkey or entry icon ArpRetryCount

Subkey or entry icon ArpTRSingleRoute

Subkey or entry icon ArpUseEtherSNAP

Subkey or entry icon AssignedOfflineFolders

Subkey or entry icon AssignedOfflineFolders

Subkey or entry icon AtmUni

Subkey or entry icon Attributes

Subkey or entry icon AuthenticateRetries

Subkey or entry icon AuthenticateTime

Subkey or entry icon Authentication

Subkey or entry icon Authentication Packages

Subkey or entry icon AuthorizationDlls

Subkey or entry icon AuthSrv

Subkey or entry icon Auto

Subkey or entry icon Auto Publishing

Subkey or entry icon AutoAdminLogon

Subkey or entry icon AutoArrange

Subkey or entry icon AutoConfigFileZones

Subkey or entry icon AutoDisconnect

Subkey or entry icon AutoEndTasks

Subkey or entry icon AutoReboot

Subkey or entry icon AutoRestartShell

Subkey or entry icon AutoRun

Subkey or entry icon Autorun

Subkey or entry icon AutoRun

Subkey or entry icon AutoRunAlwaysDisable

Subkey or entry icon AutoSiteCoverage

Subkey or entry icon AUX

Subkey or entry icon AvoidPdcOnWan

- B -

Subkey or entry icon Backup Engine

Subkey or entry icon Backup files inuse

Subkey or entry icon BackupBrowserRecoveryTime

Subkey or entry icon BackupDatabasePath

Subkey or entry icon BackupDirPath

Subkey or entry icon BackupInterval

Subkey or entry icon BackupRestore

Subkey or entry icon BapListenTimeout

Subkey or entry icon BeepEnabled

Subkey or entry icon BeepEnabled

Subkey or entry icon BehaviorOnFailedVerify

Subkey or entry icon Bind

Subkey or entry icon Bind

Subkey or entry icon BindSecondaries

Subkey or entry icon boot

Subkey or entry icon BootExecute

Subkey or entry icon BootMethod

Subkey or entry icon BootVerification

Subkey or entry icon BootVerificationProgram

Subkey or entry icon BorderWidth

Subkey or entry icon Bounds

Subkey or entry icon BrowsePrintWorkstations

Subkey or entry icon BrowserFindMasterTimeout

Subkey or entry icon BrowserMinimumConfiguredBrowsers

Subkey or entry icon BscAckFrequency

Subkey or entry icon BufFilesDenyWrite

Subkey or entry icon BufNamedPipes

Subkey or entry icon BuiltIn

Subkey or entry icon BurstHandlingF

- C -

Subkey or entry icon CachedLogonsCount

Subkey or entry icon CacheFileTimeout

Subkey or entry icon CachePrimaryDomain

Subkey or entry icon Calendars

Subkey or entry icon CallbackRetries

Subkey or entry icon CallbackTime

Subkey or entry icon CapPercentsAt100

Subkey or entry icon CaptionFont

Subkey or entry icon CaptionHeight

Subkey or entry icon CaptionWidth

Subkey or entry icon CaretWidth

Subkey or entry icon CategoryCount

Subkey or entry icon CategoryMessageFile

Subkey or entry icon Cdrom

Subkey or entry icon CertificationAuthorities

Subkey or entry icon CertInfoCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon ChangeLogSize

Subkey or entry icon CheyenneDMG

Subkey or entry icon Class

Subkey or entry icon ClassicShell

Subkey or entry icon CleanupInterval

Subkey or entry icon ClearPageFileAtShutdown

Subkey or entry icon ClearRecentDocsOnExit

Subkey or entry icon CloseSiteTimeout

Subkey or entry icon ClusteredQMs

Subkey or entry icon ClusterName

Subkey or entry icon cmdline

Subkey or entry icon CNs

Subkey or entry icon CodePage

Subkey or entry icon Collect Timeout

Subkey or entry icon CollectionTime

Subkey or entry icon CollectUnicodeProcessNames

Subkey or entry icon Color Schemes

Subkey or entry icon Colors

Subkey or entry icon ColorTable<#>

Subkey or entry icon COMClassStore

Subkey or entry icon COMClassStore

Subkey or entry icon Comdlg32

Subkey or entry icon Command Processor

Subkey or entry icon Command Processor

Subkey or entry icon Common Desktop

Subkey or entry icon Common Documents

Subkey or entry icon Common Favorites

Subkey or entry icon Common Programs

Subkey or entry icon Common Start Menu

Subkey or entry icon Common Startup

Subkey or entry icon CommRetryCount

Subkey or entry icon CompletionChar

Subkey or entry icon CompletionChar

Subkey or entry icon ComSpec

Subkey or entry icon config.sys

Subkey or entry icon Configuration File

Subkey or entry icon Configuration Flags

Subkey or entry icon ConfirmUrl

Subkey or entry icon ConnectHomeDirToRoot

Subkey or entry icon Connections

Subkey or entry icon ConnectionType

Subkey or entry icon ConnectMultiplePorts

Subkey or entry icon ConnectTimeout

Subkey or entry icon ConsistencyCheck

Subkey or entry icon Console

Subkey or entry icon Control

Subkey or entry icon Control Panel

Subkey or entry icon Control Panel

Subkey or entry icon Control Panel

Subkey or entry icon ControlProtocols

Subkey or entry icon ControlReceiveWindow

Subkey or entry icon ConvertedToLinks

Subkey or entry icon CoolSwitch

Subkey or entry icon CoolSwitchColumns

Subkey or entry icon CoolSwitchRows

Subkey or entry icon Counter

Subkey or entry icon Cpu

Subkey or entry icon CrashControl

Subkey or entry icon CrashDumpEnabled

Subkey or entry icon CrashDumpFile

Subkey or entry icon CrashOnAuditFail

Subkey or entry icon CreateCrashDump

Subkey or entry icon CriticalDeviceDatabase

Subkey or entry icon CriticalSectionTimeout

Subkey or entry icon CryptKeyExpirationTime

Subkey or entry icon CryptReceiveKeyCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon CryptSendKeyCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon Current

Subkey or entry icon Current

Subkey or entry icon Current

Subkey or entry icon Current

Subkey or entry icon CurrentConfig

Subkey or entry icon CurrentControlSet

Subkey or entry icon CurrentMQISServer

Subkey or entry icon CurrentUser

Subkey or entry icon CurrentUser

Subkey or entry icon CurrentVersion

Subkey or entry icon CurrentVersion

Subkey or entry icon CurrentVersion

Subkey or entry icon CurrentVersion

Subkey or entry icon CursorBlinkRate

Subkey or entry icon CursorSize

Subkey or entry icon Custom Colors

Subkey or entry icon CustomColors

Subkey or entry icon CustomGoOfflineActions

Subkey or entry icon CustomGoOfflineActions

- D -

Subkey or entry icon Data File

Subkey or entry icon DatabaseCleanupInterval

Subkey or entry icon DatabaseDirectory

Subkey or entry icon DatabaseFile

Subkey or entry icon DatabaseName

Subkey or entry icon DatabasePath

Subkey or entry icon DatabasePath

Subkey or entry icon DataFiles

Subkey or entry icon DataTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon Datatype

Subkey or entry icon DbFileNm

Subkey or entry icon DBFlag

Subkey or entry icon DbType

Subkey or entry icon DCacheMinInterval

Subkey or entry icon DCacheUpdate

Subkey or entry icon DcCacheExpirationTime

Subkey or entry icon DcCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon DCI

Subkey or entry icon DCOption

Subkey or entry icon Debug Disable

Subkey or entry icon Debug Log File

Subkey or entry icon Debug Log Files

Subkey or entry icon Debug Log Severity

Subkey or entry icon Debug Maximum Log Messages

Subkey or entry icon DebugFlag

Subkey or entry icon DebugFlags

Subkey or entry icon Debugger

Subkey or entry icon DebugServerCommand

Subkey or entry icon Default

Subkey or entry icon Default

Subkey or entry icon Default Priority

Subkey or entry icon Default Priority

Subkey or entry icon Default Search Scope

Subkey or entry icon Default User Identity

Subkey or entry icon DefaultAgingState

Subkey or entry icon DefaultCallbackDelay

Subkey or entry icon DefaultCategory

Subkey or entry icon DefaultColor

Subkey or entry icon DefaultColor

Subkey or entry icon DefaultDomain

Subkey or entry icon DefaultDomainName

Subkey or entry icon DefaultGateway

Subkey or entry icon DefaultIdleTimeout

Subkey or entry icon DefaultLocation

Subkey or entry icon DefaultNoRefreshInterval

Subkey or entry icon DefaultNullDataSource

Subkey or entry icon DefaultPortLimit

Subkey or entry icon DefaultRefreshInterval

Subkey or entry icon DefaultRegistrationTTL

Subkey or entry icon DefaultScriptOptions

Subkey or entry icon DefaultSeparateVDM

Subkey or entry icon DefaultSessionTimeout

Subkey or entry icon DefaultSpoolDirectory

Subkey or entry icon DefaultSpoolDirectory

Subkey or entry icon DefaultSpoolDirectory

Subkey or entry icon DefaultTTL

Subkey or entry icon DefaultUserName

Subkey or entry icon DefCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon DeferredInit

Subkey or entry icon DelayedExpansion

Subkey or entry icon DelayedExpansion

Subkey or entry icon Delete

Subkey or entry icon DeleteRoamingCache

Subkey or entry icon DeleteRoamingCache

Subkey or entry icon Denials

Subkey or entry icon Dependent Files

Subkey or entry icon DependentFiles

Subkey or entry icon DependOnGroup

Subkey or entry icon DependOnService

Subkey or entry icon DESCRIPTION

Subkey or entry icon Description

Subkey or entry icon Description

Subkey or entry icon Desktop

Subkey or entry icon Desktop

Subkey or entry icon Desktop

Subkey or entry icon Desktop

Subkey or entry icon DesktopProcess

Subkey or entry icon DetectConflictRetries

Subkey or entry icon Device

Subkey or entry icon DEVICEMAP

Subkey or entry icon DeviceNotSelectedTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Devices

Subkey or entry icon Dfs

Subkey or entry icon DfsDriver

Subkey or entry icon DFSHost

Subkey or entry icon Dhcp

Subkey or entry icon DhcpDefaultGateway

Subkey or entry icon DhcpDomain

Subkey or entry icon DhcpDomain

Subkey or entry icon DhcpIPAddress

Subkey or entry icon DhcpLogDiskSpaceCheckInterval

Subkey or entry icon DhcpLogFilePath

Subkey or entry icon DhcpLogFilesMaxSize

Subkey or entry icon DhcpLogMinSpaceOnDisk

Subkey or entry icon DhcpNameServer

Subkey or entry icon DhcpNameServer

Subkey or entry icon DHCPServer

Subkey or entry icon DhcpServer

Subkey or entry icon DhcpSubnetMask

Subkey or entry icon DhcpSubnetMaskOpt

Subkey or entry icon DiffServByteMappingConforming

Subkey or entry icon DiffServByteMappingConforming

Subkey or entry icon DiffServByteMappingNonConforming

Subkey or entry icon DiffServByteMappingNonConforming

Subkey or entry icon Directory

Subkey or entry icon Directory

Subkey or entry icon Directory

Subkey or entry icon Directory

Subkey or entry icon Directory UI

Subkey or entry icon Disable Advanced

Subkey or entry icon Disable Advanced

Subkey or entry icon Disable Performance Counters

Subkey or entry icon Disable Performance Counters

Subkey or entry icon DisableAll

Subkey or entry icon DisableAll

Subkey or entry icon DisableAutoADMUpdate

Subkey or entry icon DisableAutoReverseZones

Subkey or entry icon DisableBkGndGroupPolicy

Subkey or entry icon DisableBrowse

Subkey or entry icon disablecad

Subkey or entry icon DisableChangePassword

Subkey or entry icon DisableCMD

Subkey or entry icon DisableDHCPMediaSense

Subkey or entry icon DisableDynamicUpdate

Subkey or entry icon DisableDynamicUpdate

Subkey or entry icon DisableFastStart

Subkey or entry icon DisableIPSourceRouting

Subkey or entry icon DisableLocalMachineRun

Subkey or entry icon DisableLocalMachineRun

Subkey or entry icon DisableLocalMachineRunOnce

Subkey or entry icon DisableLocalMachineRunOnce

Subkey or entry icon DisableLockWorkstation

Subkey or entry icon DisableMedia

Subkey or entry icon DisableMediaSenseEventLog

Subkey or entry icon DisableMSI

Subkey or entry icon DisablePagingExecutive

Subkey or entry icon DisablePasswordChange

Subkey or entry icon DisablePatch

Subkey or entry icon DisablePersonalDirChange

Subkey or entry icon DisableRegistryTools

Subkey or entry icon DisableReplaceAddressesInConflicts

Subkey or entry icon DisableReverseAddressRegistrations

Subkey or entry icon DisableRollback

Subkey or entry icon DisableRollback

Subkey or entry icon DisableSavePassword

Subkey or entry icon DisableServerThread

Subkey or entry icon DisableStatusMessages

Subkey or entry icon DisableTaskMgr

Subkey or entry icon DisableTaskOffload

Subkey or entry icon DisableWebPrinting

Subkey or entry icon DisallowCpl

Subkey or entry icon DisallowCpl

Subkey or entry icon DisallowRun

Subkey or entry icon DisallowRun

Subkey or entry icon Disk

Subkey or entry icon DiskQuota

Subkey or entry icon display.drv

Subkey or entry icon DisplayName

Subkey or entry icon DisplayName

Subkey or entry icon DisplayName

Subkey or entry icon DisplayNameFile

Subkey or entry icon DisplayNameID

Subkey or entry icon DNS

Subkey or entry icon DnsCache

Subkey or entry icon DNSclient

Subkey or entry icon DNSNameServers

Subkey or entry icon DnsRefreshInterval

Subkey or entry icon DnsTtl

Subkey or entry icon DoBackupOnTerm

Subkey or entry icon Documents

Subkey or entry icon Domain

Subkey or entry icon Domain

Subkey or entry icon Domains

Subkey or entry icon Domains

Subkey or entry icon DontAddDefaultGateway

Subkey or entry icon DontDisplayLastUserName

Subkey or entry icon DontNegotiateMultilinkOnSingleLinks

Subkey or entry icon DormantFileLimit

Subkey or entry icon DOS Devices

Subkey or entry icon DosKeybCodes

Subkey or entry icon DosKeybIDs

Subkey or entry icon DosPrint

Subkey or entry icon DoStaticDataInit

Subkey or entry icon DoubleClickHeight

Subkey or entry icon DoubleClickSpeed

Subkey or entry icon DoubleClickWidth

Subkey or entry icon Downlevel Browse

Subkey or entry icon DragAndDrop

Subkey or entry icon DragAndDrop

Subkey or entry icon DragFullWindows

Subkey or entry icon DragHeight

Subkey or entry icon DragWidth

Subkey or entry icon Driver

Subkey or entry icon Driver

Subkey or entry icon Driver

Subkey or entry icon Driver

Subkey or entry icon Driver Signing

Subkey or entry icon Driver Signing

Subkey or entry icon Driver Signing

Subkey or entry icon Drivers

Subkey or entry icon DrWatson

Subkey or entry icon DSAdsRefreshIPSitesIntervalSecs

Subkey or entry icon DSAdsRefreshNT4SitesIntervalSecs

Subkey or entry icon DSCliSearchAdsForServersIntervalSecs

Subkey or entry icon DsDriver

Subkey or entry icon DsIntegrated

Subkey or entry icon DSListRefresh

Subkey or entry icon DSSecurityCache

Subkey or entry icon DsSpooler

Subkey or entry icon DumpAllThreads

Subkey or entry icon DumpFile

Subkey or entry icon DumpSymbols

Subkey or entry icon DuplicateEventlogTimeout

Subkey or entry icon DynamicSiteName

- E -

Subkey or entry icon EAP

Subkey or entry icon EditLevel

Subkey or entry icon Enable

Subkey or entry icon EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration

Subkey or entry icon EnableAddrMaskReply

Subkey or entry icon EnableAdminTSRemote

Subkey or entry icon EnableAuthenticationTraps

Subkey or entry icon EnableBcastArpReply

Subkey or entry icon EnableBroadcastSpoolerStatus

Subkey or entry icon Enabled

Subkey or entry icon EnableDeadGWDetect

Subkey or entry icon EnableDHCP

Subkey or entry icon EnableExtensions

Subkey or entry icon EnableExtensions

Subkey or entry icon EnableFastRouteLookup

Subkey or entry icon EnableFilter

Subkey or entry icon EnableForRas

Subkey or entry icon EnableForRouting

Subkey or entry icon EnableMulticastForwarding

Subkey or entry icon EnablePlainTextPassword

Subkey or entry icon EnablePMTUBHDetect

Subkey or entry icon EnablePMTUDiscovery

Subkey or entry icon EnablePriorityBoost

Subkey or entry icon EnablePriorityBoost

Subkey or entry icon EnableProfileQuota

Subkey or entry icon EnableRegistryBoot

Subkey or entry icon EnableRSVP

Subkey or entry icon EnableRSVP

Subkey or entry icon EnableSecurityFilters

Subkey or entry icon EnableTracing

Subkey or entry icon EnableUserControl

Subkey or entry icon EnableWheelDetection

Subkey or entry icon Enforce

Subkey or entry icon EnforceShellExtensionSecurity

Subkey or entry icon EnterpriseId

Subkey or entry icon Enum

Subkey or entry icon Enum

Subkey or entry icon Enum

Subkey or entry icon Environment

Subkey or entry icon Environment

Subkey or entry icon Environments

Subkey or entry icon EOJTimeout

Subkey or entry icon ErrorControl

Subkey or entry icon ErrorMode

Subkey or entry icon Event Viewer

Subkey or entry icon Event Viewer

Subkey or entry icon EventLog

Subkey or entry icon EventLog

Subkey or entry icon EventLog

Subkey or entry icon EventLoggingLevel

Subkey or entry icon EventLoggingLevel

Subkey or entry icon EventLogLevel

Subkey or entry icon EventLogLevel

Subkey or entry icon EventMessageFile

Subkey or entry icon ExcludedProviders

Subkey or entry icon ExcludeExtensions

Subkey or entry icon ExcludeFromKnownDlls

Subkey or entry icon ExcludeProfileDirs

Subkey or entry icon Exclusive Tunnels

Subkey or entry icon Execution

Subkey or entry icon Execution

Subkey or entry icon ExpectedDialupDelay

Subkey or entry icon Explorer

Subkey or entry icon Explorer

Subkey or entry icon Explorer

Subkey or entry icon Explorer

Subkey or entry icon Export

Subkey or entry icon Export

Subkey or entry icon ExtCounterTestLevel

Subkey or entry icon ExtensionAgents

Subkey or entry icon ExtensionDlls

Subkey or entry icon Extensions

- F -

Subkey or entry icon FaceName

Subkey or entry icon Failed

Subkey or entry icon FailureTimeout

Subkey or entry icon FastPrintSlowDownThreshold

Subkey or entry icon FastPrintThrottleTimeout

Subkey or entry icon FastPrintWaitTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Favorites

Subkey or entry icon FFPControlFlags

Subkey or entry icon FFPFastForwardingCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon File

Subkey or entry icon File Manager

Subkey or entry icon FileRenameOperations

Subkey or entry icon FilesNotToBackup

Subkey or entry icon FileSystem

Subkey or entry icon FirstWanNode

Subkey or entry icon Font Drivers

Subkey or entry icon FontDPI

Subkey or entry icon FontFamily

Subkey or entry icon Fonts

Subkey or entry icon FontSize

Subkey or entry icon FontSmoothing

Subkey or entry icon FontSubstitutes

Subkey or entry icon FontWeight

Subkey or entry icon ForceActiveDesktopOn

Subkey or entry icon ForcedDSServer

Subkey or entry icon ForceFifoEnable

Subkey or entry icon ForceNoTransactionModeSwitch

Subkey or entry icon ForceStartMenuLogOff

Subkey or entry icon ForegroundFlashCount

Subkey or entry icon ForegroundLockTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Forms

Subkey or entry icon ForwardBroadcasts

Subkey or entry icon ForwardBufferMemory

Subkey or entry icon ForwardDelegations

Subkey or entry icon Forwarders

Subkey or entry icon ForwardingTimeout

Subkey or entry icon fPrintError

Subkey or entry icon fPrintFileLine

Subkey or entry icon fPrintVerbose

Subkey or entry icon fPrintWarning

Subkey or entry icon fPromptOnError

Subkey or entry icon fPromptOnVerbose

Subkey or entry icon fPromptOnWarning

Subkey or entry icon FriendlyName

Subkey or entry icon FriendlyNetworkInterfaceNames

Subkey or entry icon From

Subkey or entry icon FullScreen

- G -

Subkey or entry icon GcSiteCoverage

Subkey or entry icon GetBrowserListThreshold

Subkey or entry icon GlobalFlag

Subkey or entry icon GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize

Subkey or entry icon GoOfflineAction

Subkey or entry icon GoOfflineAction

Subkey or entry icon GraphicsDrivers

Subkey or entry icon GRE_Initialize

Subkey or entry icon GreyMSIAds

Subkey or entry icon GridGranularity

Subkey or entry icon Group

Subkey or entry icon Group Policy

Subkey or entry icon Group Policy Editor

Subkey or entry icon GroupOrderList

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyMinTransferRate

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyMinTransferRate

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyRefreshTime

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyRefreshTime

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyRefreshTimeDC

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyRefreshTimeOffset

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyRefreshTimeOffset

Subkey or entry icon GroupPolicyRefreshTimeOffsetDC

- H -

Subkey or entry icon HARDWARE

Subkey or entry icon Hardware Profiles

Subkey or entry icon Hardware Profiles

Subkey or entry icon HelloInterval

Subkey or entry icon HelloMs

Subkey or entry icon Help

Subkey or entry icon Help File

Subkey or entry icon HideDirectoryFolder

Subkey or entry icon HideLegacyLogonScripts

Subkey or entry icon HideLogoffScripts

Subkey or entry icon HideLogonScripts

Subkey or entry icon HideShutdownScripts

Subkey or entry icon HideStartupScripts

Subkey or entry icon HistoryBufferSize

Subkey or entry icon hivelist

Subkey or entry icon HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT

Subkey or entry icon HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG

Subkey or entry icon HKEY_CURRENT_USER

Subkey or entry icon HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

Subkey or entry icon HKEY_USERS

Subkey or entry icon HostName

Subkey or entry icon Hostname

Subkey or entry icon Hosts

Subkey or entry icon Hotkey

Subkey or entry icon HungAppTimeout

Subkey or entry icon i8042prt

- I -

Subkey or entry icon IAS

Subkey or entry icon iCalendarType

Subkey or entry icon IconFont

Subkey or entry icon IconSpacing

Subkey or entry icon IconTitleWrap

Subkey or entry icon IconVerticalSpacing

Subkey or entry icon iCountry

Subkey or entry icon iCurrDigits

Subkey or entry icon iCurrency

Subkey or entry icon iDate

Subkey or entry icon IDConfigDB

Subkey or entry icon iDigits

Subkey or entry icon IdleAckDelay

Subkey or entry icon IdleAckDelay

Subkey or entry icon iFirstDayOfWeek

Subkey or entry icon iFirstWeekOfYear

Subkey or entry icon IGMPIdle

Subkey or entry icon IGMPLevel

Subkey or entry icon IgnoreBroadcastFlag

Subkey or entry icon IgnoreFramingMismatch

Subkey or entry icon IgnoreNoRevocationCheck

Subkey or entry icon IgnoreRevocationOffline

Subkey or entry icon IllegalDatagramResetTime

Subkey or entry icon IlmiRegisterAddresses

Subkey or entry icon iLZero

Subkey or entry icon ImagePath

Subkey or entry icon ImagePath

Subkey or entry icon IME File

Subkey or entry icon iMeasure

Subkey or entry icon Immortal

Subkey or entry icon IncludeRegInProQuota

Subkey or entry icon iNegCurr

Subkey or entry icon iNegNumber

Subkey or entry icon InitialAddressPoolSize

Subkey or entry icon InitialBalloonTimeoutSeconds

Subkey or entry icon InitialBalloonTimeoutSeconds

Subkey or entry icon InitialKeyboardIndicators

Subkey or entry icon InitialSendTimeoutMs

Subkey or entry icon InitTimePause

Subkey or entry icon InitTimeReplication

Subkey or entry icon InitTimeReplication

Subkey or entry icon InsertMode

Subkey or entry icon InstalledComponents

Subkey or entry icon Installer

Subkey or entry icon Installer

Subkey or entry icon InstallLanguage

Subkey or entry icon Instructions

Subkey or entry icon IntelliMenus

Subkey or entry icon Intellimenus

Subkey or entry icon Interfaces

Subkey or entry icon Interfaces

Subkey or entry icon International

Subkey or entry icon International

Subkey or entry icon Internet Print Provider

Subkey or entry icon IoPageLockLimit

Subkey or entry icon Ip

Subkey or entry icon IPAddress

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationAddress

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationEnabled

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationEnabled

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationMask

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationMask

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationSeed

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationSeed

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationSubnet

Subkey or entry icon IPAutoconfigurationSubnet

Subkey or entry icon IPEnableRouter

Subkey or entry icon IpEnableRouterBackup

Subkey or entry icon IpOutHighWatermark

Subkey or entry icon IpOutLowWatermark

Subkey or entry icon Ipx

Subkey or entry icon IsSlave

Subkey or entry icon iTime

Subkey or entry icon iTimePrefix

Subkey or entry icon iTLZero

- J -

Subkey or entry icon JoinStatus

- K -

Subkey or entry icon KdcNames

Subkey or entry icon KdcSrvPort

Subkey or entry icon KeepAliveInterval

Subkey or entry icon KeepAliveTime

Subkey or entry icon KeepConn

Subkey or entry icon KeepRasConnection

Subkey or entry icon Kerberos

Subkey or entry icon KernelDumpOnly

Subkey or entry icon Keyboard

Subkey or entry icon Keyboard Layout

Subkey or entry icon Keyboard Layout

Subkey or entry icon Keyboard Layouts

Subkey or entry icon KeyboardDataQueueSize

Subkey or entry icon KeyboardDelay

Subkey or entry icon KeyboardDeviceBaseName

Subkey or entry icon KeyboardSpeed

Subkey or entry icon KeysNotToRestore

Subkey or entry icon KeyType

Subkey or entry icon KnownDLLs

Subkey or entry icon KnownDLLs

Subkey or entry icon KpasswdNames

- L -

Subkey or entry icon Language

Subkey or entry icon Language Groups

Subkey or entry icon LanMan Print Services

Subkey or entry icon LanMan Print Services

Subkey or entry icon LanMan Print Services Port

Subkey or entry icon LanmanServer

Subkey or entry icon LanmanWorkstation

Subkey or entry icon LanOnlyMode

Subkey or entry icon LargeSystemCache

Subkey or entry icon LastKnownGood

Subkey or entry icon LastPrivateQueueId

Subkey or entry icon Layout File

Subkey or entry icon Layout Id

Subkey or entry icon Layout Text

Subkey or entry icon LdapGcSrvPort

Subkey or entry icon LdapSrvPort

Subkey or entry icon LdapSrvPriority

Subkey or entry icon LdapSrvWeight

Subkey or entry icon Lease

Subkey or entry icon LeaseObtainedTime

Subkey or entry icon LeaseTerminatesTime

Subkey or entry icon LegacyDiscovered

Subkey or entry icon LegalNoticeCaption

Subkey or entry icon LegalNoticeText

Subkey or entry icon Library Validation Code

Subkey or entry icon Limit

Subkey or entry icon LimitUnits

Subkey or entry icon Linkage

Subkey or entry icon Linkage

Subkey or entry icon LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo

Subkey or entry icon List

Subkey or entry icon ListenAddresses

Subkey or entry icon LkgMQISServer

Subkey or entry icon lmcompatibilitylevel

Subkey or entry icon load

Subkey or entry icon LoadConIme

Subkey or entry icon LoadTrustedDrivers

Subkey or entry icon Locale

Subkey or entry icon Locale

Subkey or entry icon LocalNetPriority

Subkey or entry icon LocalVolumes

Subkey or entry icon Location

Subkey or entry icon Location

Subkey or entry icon LockIncrement

Subkey or entry icon LockMaximum

Subkey or entry icon LockQuota

Subkey or entry icon LogDataCreated

Subkey or entry icon LogDetailedEvents

Subkey or entry icon LogElectionPackets

Subkey or entry icon LogEvent

Subkey or entry icon LogEventOverLimit

Subkey or entry icon LogEventOverThreshold

Subkey or entry icon LogFifo

Subkey or entry icon LogFileMaxSize

Subkey or entry icon LogFileName

Subkey or entry icon LogFilePath

Subkey or entry icon LogFilePath

Subkey or entry icon LogFilePath

Subkey or entry icon LogFlags

Subkey or entry icon Logging

Subkey or entry icon Logging

Subkey or entry icon Logging

Subkey or entry icon Logging

Subkey or entry icon LoggingFlags

Subkey or entry icon LoggingOn

Subkey or entry icon LoginAccount

Subkey or entry icon LoginPrompt

Subkey or entry icon LogLevel

Subkey or entry icon LogLevel

Subkey or entry icon LogMgrBuffers

Subkey or entry icon LogMgrChkptInterval

Subkey or entry icon LogMgrFileSize

Subkey or entry icon LogMgrFlushInterval

Subkey or entry icon LogMgrProbeInterval

Subkey or entry icon LogMgrTimerInterval

Subkey or entry icon Logon

Subkey or entry icon LogonPrompt

Subkey or entry icon LogonScript

Subkey or entry icon LogPixels

Subkey or entry icon LongLiveTime

Subkey or entry icon LooseWildcarding

Subkey or entry icon LowDelayBound

Subkey or entry icon LowDelayBound

Subkey or entry icon LowerBandwidthThreshold

Subkey or entry icon LowerRange

Subkey or entry icon LowPowerActive

Subkey or entry icon LowPowerTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon LPT_timeout

Subkey or entry icon Lsa

- M -

Subkey or entry icon MACCP

Subkey or entry icon Machine

Subkey or entry icon MachineCache

Subkey or entry icon MachineDN

Subkey or entry icon MachineDomain

Subkey or entry icon MachineJournalQuota

Subkey or entry icon MachineQuota

Subkey or entry icon MAILSLOT

Subkey or entry icon MailslotBuffers

Subkey or entry icon MailslotDatagramThreshold

Subkey or entry icon MailslotDuplicateTimeout

Subkey or entry icon MailslotMessageTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Manufacturer

Subkey or entry icon MapGeneralInfo

Subkey or entry icon MapGeneralInfo

Subkey or entry icon MasterId

Subkey or entry icon MasterServers

Subkey or entry icon Max Retries

Subkey or entry icon Max Retries

Subkey or entry icon MaxAckDelayMs

Subkey or entry icon MaxActiveThreads

Subkey or entry icon MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit

Subkey or entry icon MaxCacheTtl

Subkey or entry icon MaxCmds

Subkey or entry icon MaxCollectionCount

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Subkey or entry icon MaxConfigure

Subkey or entry icon MaxDenials

Subkey or entry icon MaxFailure

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Subkey or entry icon MaxForwardPending

Subkey or entry icon MaxFreeConnections

Subkey or entry icon MaxFreeTcbs

Subkey or entry icon MaxFreeTWTcbs

Subkey or entry icon MaxGlobalOpenSearch

Subkey or entry icon MaxGPOScriptWait

Subkey or entry icon MaxGPOScriptWait

Subkey or entry icon MaxHashTableSize

Subkey or entry icon MaximumBrowseEntries

Subkey or entry icon MaximumCrashes

Subkey or entry icon MaximumLogFileSize

Subkey or entry icon MaximumMailslotMessages

Subkey or entry icon MaximumPasswordAge

Subkey or entry icon MaximumPortsServiced

Subkey or entry icon MaxKeepSearch

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Subkey or entry icon MaxMessageSize

Subkey or entry icon MaxMpxCt

Subkey or entry icon MaxNonpagedMemoryUsage

Subkey or entry icon MaxNormLookupMemory

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Subkey or entry icon MaxOutOfOrder

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Subkey or entry icon MaxOutstandingSends

Subkey or entry icon MaxPagedMemoryUsage

Subkey or entry icon MaxProcessingThreads

Subkey or entry icon MaxProfileSize

Subkey or entry icon MaxRawWorkItems

Subkey or entry icon MaxRecentDocs

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Subkey or entry icon MaxRetransmits

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Subkey or entry icon MaxSize

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Subkey or entry icon MaxSysQueue

Subkey or entry icon MaxTerminate

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Subkey or entry icon MaxUnackedPacket

Subkey or entry icon MaxUserPort

Subkey or entry icon MaxWanEndpoints

Subkey or entry icon McastIntvl

Subkey or entry icon McastTtl

Subkey or entry icon MediumDelayBound

Subkey or entry icon MediumDelayBound

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Subkey or entry icon Memory Management

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Subkey or entry icon MenuHeight

Subkey or entry icon MenuShowDelay

Subkey or entry icon MenuWidth

Subkey or entry icon MessageFont

Subkey or entry icon MessageID

Subkey or entry icon Microsoft

Subkey or entry icon Microsoft

Subkey or entry icon Microsoft

Subkey or entry icon Microsoft

Subkey or entry icon MigrateOn

Subkey or entry icon Migration

Subkey or entry icon MinAnimate

Subkey or entry icon MinArrange

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Subkey or entry icon Minimal

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Subkey or entry icon MinRRThreads

Subkey or entry icon MinVertGap

Subkey or entry icon MinWanEndpoints

Subkey or entry icon MinWidth

Subkey or entry icon MMC

Subkey or entry icon MonitorDuplicateInstances

Subkey or entry icon Monitors

Subkey or entry icon Monitors

Subkey or entry icon Mouclass

Subkey or entry icon MountedDevices

Subkey or entry icon Mouse

Subkey or entry icon MouseDataQueueSize

Subkey or entry icon MouseDataQueueSize

Subkey or entry icon MouseDataQueueSize

Subkey or entry icon MouseResendStallTime

Subkey or entry icon MouseResolution

Subkey or entry icon MouseSpeed

Subkey or entry icon MouseSynchIn100ns

Subkey or entry icon MouseThreshold1

Subkey or entry icon MouseThreshold2

Subkey or entry icon mqisConnectionNumber

Subkey or entry icon mqisdb

Subkey or entry icon MQISServer

Subkey or entry icon MQISServersForJoin

Subkey or entry icon MQS

Subkey or entry icon MRxSmb

Subkey or entry icon MSMQ

Subkey or entry icon MsmqIpPingPort

Subkey or entry icon MsmqIpPort

Subkey or entry icon MsmqIpxPingPort

Subkey or entry icon MsmqIpxPort

Subkey or entry icon MSV1_0

Subkey or entry icon MTU

Subkey or entry icon MultiUILanguageID

- N -

Subkey or entry icon Name

Subkey or entry icon Name

Subkey or entry icon Name

Subkey or entry icon Name

Subkey or entry icon Name

Subkey or entry icon NameCheckFlag

Subkey or entry icon NameServer

Subkey or entry icon NameServer

Subkey or entry icon NASIpAddress

Subkey or entry icon NASIpAddress

Subkey or entry icon NC_AddRemoveComponents

Subkey or entry icon NC_AdvancedSettings

Subkey or entry icon NC_AllowAdvancedTCPIPConfig

Subkey or entry icon NC_ChangeBindState

Subkey or entry icon NC_DeleteAllUserConnection

Subkey or entry icon NC_DeleteConnection

Subkey or entry icon NC_DialupPrefs

Subkey or entry icon NC_LanChangeProperties

Subkey or entry icon NC_LanConnect

Subkey or entry icon NC_LanProperties

Subkey or entry icon NC_NewConnectionWizard

Subkey or entry icon NC_RasAllUserProperties

Subkey or entry icon NC_RasChangeProperties

Subkey or entry icon NC_RasConnect

Subkey or entry icon NC_RasMyProperties

Subkey or entry icon NC_RenameConnection

Subkey or entry icon NC_RenameMyRasConnection

Subkey or entry icon NC_ShowSharedAccessUI

Subkey or entry icon NC_ShowSharedAccessUI

Subkey or entry icon NC_Statistics

Subkey or entry icon Ndi

Subkey or entry icon NDIS

Subkey or entry icon NdisWan

Subkey or entry icon NDSPreferredServer

Subkey or entry icon NegativeCacheTime

Subkey or entry icon NegativeSOACacheTime

Subkey or entry icon NegotiateTime

Subkey or entry icon NetBIOSName

Subkey or entry icon NetCache

Subkey or entry icon NetCache

Subkey or entry icon NetFailureCacheTime

Subkey or entry icon NetHood

Subkey or entry icon Netlogon

Subkey or entry icon NetMessage

Subkey or entry icon NetPopup

Subkey or entry icon NetPopup

Subkey or entry icon NetPopupToComputer

Subkey or entry icon NetPopupToComputer

Subkey or entry icon NetPrinterDecayPeriod

Subkey or entry icon NetWare or Compatible Network

Subkey or entry icon Network

Subkey or entry icon Network

Subkey or entry icon Network

Subkey or entry icon Network

Subkey or entry icon Network

Subkey or entry icon Network

Subkey or entry icon Network Connections

Subkey or entry icon Network Connections

Subkey or entry icon NetworkPath

Subkey or entry icon NetworkProvider

Subkey or entry icon networkprovider

Subkey or entry icon NewGPOLinksDisabled

Subkey or entry icon Nls

Subkey or entry icon NMICrashDump

Subkey or entry icon NoActiveDesktop

Subkey or entry icon NoActiveDesktopChanges

Subkey or entry icon NoAddFromCDorFloppy

Subkey or entry icon NoAddFromInternet

Subkey or entry icon NoAddFromNetwork

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Subkey or entry icon NoAddPrinter

Subkey or entry icon NoAddRemovePrograms

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Subkey or entry icon NoBackgroundPolicy

Subkey or entry icon NoCacheViewer

Subkey or entry icon NoCacheViewer

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Subkey or entry icon NoChangeKeyboardNavigationIndicators

Subkey or entry icon NoChangeStartMenu

Subkey or entry icon NoChangingWallPaper

Subkey or entry icon NoClose

Subkey or entry icon NoClose

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Subkey or entry icon NoClosingComponents

Subkey or entry icon NoCommonGroups

Subkey or entry icon NoComponents

Subkey or entry icon NoComputersNearMe

Subkey or entry icon NoConfigCache

Subkey or entry icon NoConfigCache

Subkey or entry icon NoControlPanel

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Subkey or entry icon NoDesktop

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Subkey or entry icon NoDriveTypeAutoRun

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Subkey or entry icon NoEncryptOnMove

Subkey or entry icon NoEntireNetwork

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Subkey or entry icon NoFileAssociate

Subkey or entry icon NoFileAssociate

Subkey or entry icon NoFileMenu

Subkey or entry icon NoFileMenu

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Subkey or entry icon NoFind

Subkey or entry icon NoFolderOptions

Subkey or entry icon NoGPOListChanges

Subkey or entry icon NoHardwareTab

Subkey or entry icon NoHTMLWallPaper

Subkey or entry icon NoInstrumentation

Subkey or entry icon NoInteractiveServices

Subkey or entry icon NoInternetIcon

Subkey or entry icon NoLogoff

Subkey or entry icon NoMakeAvailableOffline

Subkey or entry icon NoMakeAvailableOffline

Subkey or entry icon NoManageMyComputerVerb

Subkey or entry icon NoMovingBands

Subkey or entry icon NonBestEffortLimit

Subkey or entry icon NonBestEffortLimit

Subkey or entry icon NonEnum

Subkey or entry icon NonEnum

Subkey or entry icon NoNetConnectDisconnect

Subkey or entry icon NoNetHood

Subkey or entry icon NoNetworkConnections

Subkey or entry icon NonPagedPoolQuota

Subkey or entry icon NonPagedPoolSize

Subkey or entry icon NonServiceInstalled

Subkey or entry icon NoNTSecurity

Subkey or entry icon NoOfWorkThreads

Subkey or entry icon NoPlacesBar

Subkey or entry icon NoPopUpsOnBoot

Subkey or entry icon NoRecentDocsHistory

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Subkey or entry icon NoReminders

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Subkey or entry icon NoRootRevocationCheck

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Subkey or entry icon NoRun

Subkey or entry icon NoRunasInstallPrompt

Subkey or entry icon NoSaveSettings

Subkey or entry icon NoSaveSettings

Subkey or entry icon NoServices

Subkey or entry icon NoSetFolders

Subkey or entry icon NoSetTaskbar

Subkey or entry icon NoShellSearchButton

Subkey or entry icon NoSlowLink

Subkey or entry icon NoSMHelp

Subkey or entry icon NoSMMyDocs

Subkey or entry icon NoStartMenuSubFolders

Subkey or entry icon NoSupportInfo

Subkey or entry icon Notification Packages

Subkey or entry icon NotifyChange

Subkey or entry icon NotifyLevel

Subkey or entry icon NotifyServers

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Subkey or entry icon NoViewContextMenu

Subkey or entry icon NoViewOnDrive

Subkey or entry icon NoWelcomeScreen

Subkey or entry icon NoWelcomeScreen

Subkey or entry icon NoWindowsSetupPage

Subkey or entry icon NoWindowsUpdate

Subkey or entry icon NT4 Instance Names

Subkey or entry icon Ntbackup

Subkey or entry icon NTDS

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Subkey or entry icon NtfsAllowExtendedCharacterIn8dot3Name

Subkey or entry icon NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation

Subkey or entry icon NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate

Subkey or entry icon NtfsEncryptionService

Subkey or entry icon NtlmMinClientSec

Subkey or entry icon NtlmMinServerSec

Subkey or entry icon NUL

Subkey or entry icon NullPort

Subkey or entry icon NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS

Subkey or entry icon NumberOfButtons

Subkey or entry icon NumberOfButtons

Subkey or entry icon NumberOfCrashes

Subkey or entry icon NumberOfHistoryBuffers

Subkey or entry icon NumForwardPackets

Subkey or entry icon NumIllegalDatagramEvents

Subkey or entry icon NumShape

Subkey or entry icon NumTcbTablePartitions

Subkey or entry icon NV Domain

Subkey or entry icon NV PrimaryDnsSuffix

Subkey or entry icon NWCWorkstation

- O -

Subkey or entry icon ObjectDirectories

Subkey or entry icon ObjectName

Subkey or entry icon OCMsetup

Subkey or entry icon OEM URL

Subkey or entry icon OEMCP

Subkey or entry icon OEMHAL

Subkey or entry icon OnlyDynRecs

Subkey or entry icon Open Timeout

Subkey or entry icon OpenProcedureWaitTime

Subkey or entry icon Option

Subkey or entry icon Options

Subkey or entry icon Order

Subkey or entry icon Order

Subkey or entry icon Order

Subkey or entry icon OS/2 Subsystem for NT

Subkey or entry icon Os2LibPath

Subkey or entry icon OtherDependencies

Subkey or entry icon OtherDependencies

Subkey or entry icon OtherDomains

Subkey or entry icon OutgoingRole

Subkey or entry icon Override User-Name

Subkey or entry icon OverrideKeyboardSubtype

Subkey or entry icon OverrideKeyboardType

Subkey or entry icon Overwrite

- P -

Subkey or entry icon PagedPoolQuota

Subkey or entry icon PagedPoolSize

Subkey or entry icon PagingFiles

Subkey or entry icon PaintDesktopVersion

Subkey or entry icon ParameterMessageFile

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Parameters

Subkey or entry icon params

Subkey or entry icon Partners

Subkey or entry icon Password

Subkey or entry icon PasswordCmd

Subkey or entry icon PasswordExpiryWarning

Subkey or entry icon Path

Subkey or entry icon Path

Subkey or entry icon PathCompletionChar

Subkey or entry icon PathCompletionChar

Subkey or entry icon Pattern

Subkey or entry icon Patterns

Subkey or entry icon PayloadReceiveWindow

Subkey or entry icon PayloadSendWindow

Subkey or entry icon PDH

Subkey or entry icon PendingFileRenameOperations

Subkey or entry icon PendingUpgrades

Subkey or entry icon PerfDisk

Subkey or entry icon Perflib

Subkey or entry icon Perfmon

Subkey or entry icon Performance

Subkey or entry icon Performance

Subkey or entry icon Performance

Subkey or entry icon PerformRouterDiscovery

Subkey or entry icon PerformRouterDiscoveryBackup

Subkey or entry icon PermanentSettingChanges

Subkey or entry icon PermitShare

Subkey or entry icon PermittedManagers

Subkey or entry icon Persistent Connections

Subkey or entry icon PersistentRoutes

Subkey or entry icon Personal

Subkey or entry icon Personal

Subkey or entry icon PersonaNonGrata

Subkey or entry icon PerThreadDSServer

Subkey or entry icon pg2MaxObjPerView

Subkey or entry icon PhysicalLocation

Subkey or entry icon PhysicalLocationSupport

Subkey or entry icon Ping User-Name

Subkey or entry icon PIPE

Subkey or entry icon PipeIncrement

Subkey or entry icon PipeMaximum

Subkey or entry icon PnPData

Subkey or entry icon PointerDeviceBaseName

Subkey or entry icon PointerDeviceBaseName

Subkey or entry icon PointerDeviceBaseName

Subkey or entry icon Policies

Subkey or entry icon Policies

Subkey or entry icon Policies

Subkey or entry icon Policies

Subkey or entry icon Policy

Subkey or entry icon Policy

Subkey or entry icon Policy

Subkey or entry icon PollingIterations

Subkey or entry icon PollingIterationsMaximum

Subkey or entry icon PollStatusIterations

Subkey or entry icon PopupColors

Subkey or entry icon Port Number

Subkey or entry icon Ports

Subkey or entry icon PortThreadPriority

Subkey or entry icon PowerCfg

Subkey or entry icon PowerdownAfterShutdown

Subkey or entry icon PPP

Subkey or entry icon PPTPTcpMaxDataRetransmissions

Subkey or entry icon Preferences

Subkey or entry icon PreferredServer

Subkey or entry icon Preload

Subkey or entry icon Previous Names

Subkey or entry icon PreviousLocalHostname

Subkey or entry icon PrimaryDnsSuffix

Subkey or entry icon PrimaryModule

Subkey or entry icon Print

Subkey or entry icon Print

Subkey or entry icon Print Processor

Subkey or entry icon Print Processor

Subkey or entry icon Print Processors

Subkey or entry icon Printer Driver

Subkey or entry icon Printer Driver

Subkey or entry icon PrinterDriverData

Subkey or entry icon PrinterDriverData

Subkey or entry icon PrinterPorts

Subkey or entry icon Printers

Subkey or entry icon Printers

Subkey or entry icon Printers

Subkey or entry icon Printers

Subkey or entry icon Printers

Subkey or entry icon Printers

Subkey or entry icon Printers Page URL

Subkey or entry icon PrintHood

Subkey or entry icon PrintOption

Subkey or entry icon Priority

Subkey or entry icon Priority

Subkey or entry icon PriorityClass

Subkey or entry icon PriorityClassHigh

Subkey or entry icon PriorityControl

Subkey or entry icon PRN


Subkey or entry icon PROCESSOR_LEVEL

Subkey or entry icon ProcessorAffinityMask

Subkey or entry icon ProcessorControl

Subkey or entry icon ProductOptions

Subkey or entry icon ProductSuite

Subkey or entry icon ProductType

Subkey or entry icon ProfileDlgTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon ProfileDlgTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon ProfileErrorAction

Subkey or entry icon ProfileQuotaMessage

Subkey or entry icon ProfileUnloadTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Program Groups

Subkey or entry icon Program Manager

Subkey or entry icon Programs

Subkey or entry icon Programs

Subkey or entry icon ProhibitIpSec

Subkey or entry icon PromptRunasInstallNetPath

Subkey or entry icon Propagate Method

Subkey or entry icon PropAllowGroup

Subkey or entry icon PropDenyGroup

Subkey or entry icon Property Pages

Subkey or entry icon Property Pages

Subkey or entry icon PropNetUpdNtf

Subkey or entry icon ProviderName

Subkey or entry icon ProviderOrder

Subkey or entry icon ProviderOrder

Subkey or entry icon Providers

Subkey or entry icon Providers

Subkey or entry icon Providers

Subkey or entry icon Providers

Subkey or entry icon Providers

Subkey or entry icon ProviderType

Subkey or entry icon PruneDownlevel

Subkey or entry icon PruningInterval

Subkey or entry icon PruningPriority

Subkey or entry icon PruningRetries

Subkey or entry icon PSCAckFrequencySN

Subkey or entry icon Psched

Subkey or entry icon Psched

Subkey or entry icon PswdSync

Subkey or entry icon Public

Subkey or entry icon PublishAddresses

Subkey or entry icon PublishAutonet

Subkey or entry icon PublishPrinters

Subkey or entry icon Pull

Subkey or entry icon Pulse

Subkey or entry icon PulseConcurrency

Subkey or entry icon PulseMaximum

Subkey or entry icon PulseTimeout1

Subkey or entry icon PulseTimeout2

Subkey or entry icon PurgeAtLogoff

Subkey or entry icon PurgeBuffer

Subkey or entry icon Push

- Q -

Subkey or entry icon QMId

Subkey or entry icon QmPbKeyCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon QMThreadNo

Subkey or entry icon Qos

Subkey or entry icon Qossp

Subkey or entry icon QueryLimit

Subkey or entry icon QuickEdit

- R -

Subkey or entry icon Randomize

Subkey or entry icon RasForce

Subkey or entry icon Rasl2tp

Subkey or entry icon RasMan

Subkey or entry icon RawIPAllowedProtocols

Subkey or entry icon RcvOnlyEnhMsgAuthn

Subkey or entry icon Rdr

Subkey or entry icon RealmFlags

Subkey or entry icon Recent

Subkey or entry icon RecursionRetry

Subkey or entry icon RecursionTimeout

Subkey or entry icon RefreshInterval

Subkey or entry icon RefreshInterval

Subkey or entry icon RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod

Subkey or entry icon RefusePasswordChange

Subkey or entry icon RegisterDnsARecords

Subkey or entry icon RegisteredProcessors

Subkey or entry icon RegisterRoutersWithNameServers

Subkey or entry icon RegistrySizeLimit

Subkey or entry icon RegLocation

Subkey or entry icon ReminderBalloonTimeoutSeconds

Subkey or entry icon ReminderBalloonTimeoutSeconds

Subkey or entry icon ReminderFreqMinutes

Subkey or entry icon ReminderFreqMinutes

Subkey or entry icon RemoteAccess

Subkey or entry icon RemotePath

Subkey or entry icon RemoteQMMachine

Subkey or entry icon RemoveDuplicateCleanup

Subkey or entry icon Repl topology update delay (secs)

Subkey or entry icon Repl topology update period (secs)

Subkey or entry icon Repl topology update period (secs)

Subkey or entry icon ReplMsgTimeout

Subkey or entry icon ReplThreads

Subkey or entry icon ReportBootOk

Subkey or entry icon ReportControllerMissing

Subkey or entry icon ReportDC

Subkey or entry icon ReportEventsToEventLog

Subkey or entry icon RequestNameServerAddresses

Subkey or entry icon RequestVJCompression

Subkey or entry icon requiresignorseal

Subkey or entry icon RequireStrongKey

Subkey or entry icon ResendIterations

Subkey or entry icon ResetTime (mins)

Subkey or entry icon ResourceTimeoutCount

Subkey or entry icon RestartJobOnPoolEnabled

Subkey or entry icon RestartJobOnPoolEnabled

Subkey or entry icon RestartJobOnPoolError

Subkey or entry icon RestartJobOnPoolError

Subkey or entry icon RestartTimer

Subkey or entry icon RestoreFlag

Subkey or entry icon Restrict_Run

Subkey or entry icon RestrictAnonymous

Subkey or entry icon RestrictAuthorMode

Subkey or entry icon RestrictCpl

Subkey or entry icon RestrictCpl

Subkey or entry icon Restrictions

Subkey or entry icon Restrictions

Subkey or entry icon RestrictRun

Subkey or entry icon RestrictRun

Subkey or entry icon RestrictToPermittedSnapins

Subkey or entry icon Retention

Subkey or entry icon Retries

Subkey or entry icon Retries

Subkey or entry icon RetryPopup

Subkey or entry icon RetryPopup

Subkey or entry icon RMFlushInterval

Subkey or entry icon RoundRobin

Subkey or entry icon Route

Subkey or entry icon Route

Subkey or entry icon RouterCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon RouterCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon RouterType

Subkey or entry icon RpcCancelTimeout

Subkey or entry icon RpcProtocol

Subkey or entry icon RplOnAddressChg

Subkey or entry icon RplOnlyWCnfPnrs

Subkey or entry icon RRThreadIdleTTL

Subkey or entry icon RSVP

Subkey or entry icon Run

Subkey or entry icon Run

Subkey or entry icon Run

Subkey or entry icon run

Subkey or entry icon RunLogonScriptSync

Subkey or entry icon RunLogonScriptSync

Subkey or entry icon RunLogonScriptSync

Subkey or entry icon RunLogonScriptSync

Subkey or entry icon RunOnce

Subkey or entry icon RunStartupScriptSync

Subkey or entry icon RxFIFO

Subkey or entry icon s1159

Subkey or entry icon s2359

- S -

Subkey or entry icon SackOpts

Subkey or entry icon SafeBoot

Subkey or entry icon SafeForScripting

Subkey or entry icon SampleRate

Subkey or entry icon SampleRate

Subkey or entry icon SaveConnections

Subkey or entry icon SaveSettings

Subkey or entry icon SaveSettings

Subkey or entry icon ScavengeInterval

Subkey or entry icon ScavengeServers

Subkey or entry icon ScavengingInterval

Subkey or entry icon SchedulerThreadPriority

Subkey or entry icon Schema Update Allowed

Subkey or entry icon Schemes

Subkey or entry icon sCountry

Subkey or entry icon Screen Saver.<Screensaver-name>

Subkey or entry icon ScreenBufferSize

Subkey or entry icon ScreenColors

Subkey or entry icon ScreenSaveActive

Subkey or entry icon ScreenSaveActive

Subkey or entry icon ScreenSaverGracePeriod

Subkey or entry icon ScreenSaverIsSecure

Subkey or entry icon ScreenSaverIsSecure

Subkey or entry icon ScreenSaveTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon Scripts

Subkey or entry icon SCRNSAVE.EXE

Subkey or entry icon SCRNSAVE.EXE

Subkey or entry icon ScrollHeight

Subkey or entry icon ScrollWidth

Subkey or entry icon sCurrency

Subkey or entry icon sDate

Subkey or entry icon sDecimal

Subkey or entry icon sealsecurechannel

Subkey or entry icon SearchOrder

Subkey or entry icon SecondaryServers

Subkey or entry icon SecondLevelDataCache

Subkey or entry icon SecurePipeServers

Subkey or entry icon SecureResponses

Subkey or entry icon SecureSecondaries

Subkey or entry icon Security

Subkey or entry icon Security

Subkey or entry icon Security

Subkey or entry icon Security

Subkey or entry icon SecurityHostTime

Subkey or entry icon Select

Subkey or entry icon SendAlert

Subkey or entry icon SendMsgAuthn

Subkey or entry icon SendPort

Subkey or entry icon SendSignature

Subkey or entry icon SendTo

Subkey or entry icon Separator File

Subkey or entry icon Separator File

Subkey or entry icon SeqIDAtLastRestore

Subkey or entry icon SeqMaxAckDelay

Subkey or entry icon SeqResend10Time

Subkey or entry icon SeqResend13Time

Subkey or entry icon SeqResend46Time

Subkey or entry icon SeqResend79Time

Subkey or entry icon Serial

Subkey or entry icon Serial#

Subkey or entry icon SERIALCOMM

Subkey or entry icon Sermouse

Subkey or entry icon Server Manager

Subkey or entry icon ServerCertDigest

Subkey or entry icon ServerCertStore

Subkey or entry icon ServerFlags

Subkey or entry icon Servers

Subkey or entry icon Servers

Subkey or entry icon Servers

Subkey or entry icon Servers

Subkey or entry icon ServersCache

Subkey or entry icon ServerThread

Subkey or entry icon ServerThreadTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Service

Subkey or entry icon ServiceDll

Subkey or entry icon ServiceGroupOrder

Subkey or entry icon ServiceProvider

Subkey or entry icon Services

Subkey or entry icon Session Manager

Subkey or entry icon SessTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Settings

Subkey or entry icon Setup

Subkey or entry icon SFCDllCacheDir

Subkey or entry icon SFCDllCacheDir

Subkey or entry icon SfcQuota

Subkey or entry icon SfcQuota

Subkey or entry icon SfcScan

Subkey or entry icon SfcScan

Subkey or entry icon SfcShowProgress

Subkey or entry icon SfcShowProgress

Subkey or entry icon sGrouping

Subkey or entry icon Share Name

Subkey or entry icon Share Name

Subkey or entry icon Shared Parameters

Subkey or entry icon Shell

Subkey or entry icon Shell

Subkey or entry icon Shell Folders

Subkey or entry icon Shell Folders

Subkey or entry icon Shell Icon BPP

Subkey or entry icon ShellIconSize

Subkey or entry icon ShortcutCount

Subkey or entry icon ShortcutDirectory

Subkey or entry icon Show

Subkey or entry icon ShowCommonGroups

Subkey or entry icon ShowLanErrors

Subkey or entry icon ShowLogonOptions

Subkey or entry icon ShowPoliciesOnly

Subkey or entry icon Shutdown Setting

Subkey or entry icon ShutdownWithoutLogon

Subkey or entry icon signsecurechannel

Subkey or entry icon SiteCoverage

Subkey or entry icon SiteId

Subkey or entry icon SiteName

Subkey or entry icon SiteName

Subkey or entry icon SiteNameTimeout

Subkey or entry icon SizCharBuf

Subkey or entry icon size

Subkey or entry icon Size

Subkey or entry icon sLanguage

Subkey or entry icon sList

Subkey or entry icon sLongDate

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkDetectEnabled

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkDetectEnabled

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkProfileDefault

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkProfileDefault

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkTimeOut

Subkey or entry icon SlowLinkUIEnabled

Subkey or entry icon SMAddOns

Subkey or entry icon SmCaptionFont

Subkey or entry icon SmCaptionHeight

Subkey or entry icon SmCaptionWidth

Subkey or entry icon sMonDecimalSep

Subkey or entry icon sMonGrouping

Subkey or entry icon sMonThousandSep

Subkey or entry icon SnapToDefaultButton

Subkey or entry icon sNativeDigits

Subkey or entry icon sNegativeSign

Subkey or entry icon SNMP

Subkey or entry icon SOFTWARE

Subkey or entry icon Software

Subkey or entry icon SolicitationAddressBcast

Subkey or entry icon SoundNotification

Subkey or entry icon Sources

Subkey or entry icon SpoolDirectory

Subkey or entry icon SpoolDirectory

Subkey or entry icon SpoolerPriority

Subkey or entry icon sPositiveSign

Subkey or entry icon SpTime

Subkey or entry icon SpTime

Subkey or entry icon sShortDate

Subkey or entry icon Staging Space Limit in KB

Subkey or entry icon Stamp

Subkey or entry icon Start

Subkey or entry icon Start Menu

Subkey or entry icon StartMenuLogOff

Subkey or entry icon StartTime

Subkey or entry icon StartTime

Subkey or entry icon Startup

Subkey or entry icon StaticAddressPool

Subkey or entry icon StaticMQISServer

Subkey or entry icon StatMon

Subkey or entry icon StatusFont

Subkey or entry icon StatusUpdateEnabled

Subkey or entry icon StatusUpdateInterval

Subkey or entry icon sThousand

Subkey or entry icon sTime

Subkey or entry icon sTimeFormat

Subkey or entry icon StoreAckTimeout

Subkey or entry icon StoreInSeqLogPath

Subkey or entry icon StoreJournalPath

Subkey or entry icon StoreLogPath

Subkey or entry icon StoreMqLogPath

Subkey or entry icon StorePersistentPath

Subkey or entry icon StoreReliablePath

Subkey or entry icon StoreXactLogPath

Subkey or entry icon StrictFileParsing

Subkey or entry icon SubnetMask

Subkey or entry icon Substitutes

Subkey or entry icon SubSystems

Subkey or entry icon SupportLink

Subkey or entry icon SupportLinkName

Subkey or entry icon swapdisk

Subkey or entry icon SwapMouseButtons

Subkey or entry icon SynAttackProtect

Subkey or entry icon SyncAtLogoff

Subkey or entry icon SyncAtLogoff

Subkey or entry icon SynchronousMachineGroupPolicy

Subkey or entry icon SynchronousUserGroupPolicy

Subkey or entry icon SyncOpenPrinter

Subkey or entry icon SysQueuePriority

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon SYSTEM

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon System

Subkey or entry icon SystemDirectory

Subkey or entry icon SystemPages

Subkey or entry icon SystemStartOptions

Subkey or entry icon SysVol

Subkey or entry icon SysVolReady

Subkey or entry icon Sytos Plus ECC Flag

- T -

Subkey or entry icon T1

Subkey or entry icon T2

Subkey or entry icon Tag

Subkey or entry icon Task Creation

Subkey or entry icon Task Creation

Subkey or entry icon Task Deletion

Subkey or entry icon Task Deletion

Subkey or entry icon Task Scheduler5.0

Subkey or entry icon Task Scheduler5.0

Subkey or entry icon TaskMan

Subkey or entry icon TaskManager

Subkey or entry icon TCP/IP Port

Subkey or entry icon Tcp1323Opts

Subkey or entry icon TCPAllowedPorts

Subkey or entry icon TcpDelAckTicks

Subkey or entry icon TcpInitialRTT

Subkey or entry icon Tcpip

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxConnectResponseRetransmissions

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxDataRetransmissions

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxDupAcks

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxHalfOpen

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried

Subkey or entry icon TcpMaxPortsExhausted

Subkey or entry icon TCPNoDelay

Subkey or entry icon TcpNumConnections

Subkey or entry icon TcpTimedWaitDelay

Subkey or entry icon TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer

Subkey or entry icon TcpWindowSize

Subkey or entry icon TEMP

Subkey or entry icon TEMP

Subkey or entry icon TemporarySettingChanges

Subkey or entry icon Threshold

Subkey or entry icon ThresholdUnits

Subkey or entry icon TileWallpaper

Subkey or entry icon TimeBelowThreshold

Subkey or entry icon TimeInterval

Subkey or entry icon TimeInterval

Subkey or entry icon Timeout

Subkey or entry icon Timeout

Subkey or entry icon TimerResolution

Subkey or entry icon TimerResolution

Subkey or entry icon TimesHelloForReplicationInterval

Subkey or entry icon Tips

Subkey or entry icon TMP

Subkey or entry icon TMP

Subkey or entry icon To

Subkey or entry icon Toggle

Subkey or entry icon TombstoneInterval

Subkey or entry icon TombstoneTimeout

Subkey or entry icon TotalInstanceName

Subkey or entry icon TransactionMode

Subkey or entry icon TransformsSecure

Subkey or entry icon Translators

Subkey or entry icon TransmissionRetryTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Transparency

Subkey or entry icon TrapConfiguration

Subkey or entry icon TrFunctionalMcastAddress

Subkey or entry icon TrueType

Subkey or entry icon TrustedDomainList

Subkey or entry icon TrustedDriverPath

Subkey or entry icon TTEnable

Subkey or entry icon TTonly

Subkey or entry icon TwoDigitYearMax

Subkey or entry icon TxFIFO

Subkey or entry icon Type

Subkey or entry icon Type

Subkey or entry icon Type 1 Fonts

Subkey or entry icon Type 1 Installer

Subkey or entry icon TypeOfInterface

Subkey or entry icon TypesSupported

- U -

Subkey or entry icon UDPAllowedPorts

Subkey or entry icon UMAddOns

Subkey or entry icon UNC

Subkey or entry icon UNICODE Groups

Subkey or entry icon UNICODE Program Groups

Subkey or entry icon Uninstall

Subkey or entry icon UntilTime

Subkey or entry icon UntilTime

Subkey or entry icon Update

Subkey or entry icon Update

Subkey or entry icon Update Retry Interval

Subkey or entry icon Update Retry Interval

Subkey or entry icon UpdateCount

Subkey or entry icon UpdateMode

Subkey or entry icon UpdateOptions

Subkey or entry icon UpdateSecurityLevel

Subkey or entry icon UpperRange

Subkey or entry icon Use fast file restore

Subkey or entry icon UseDomainNameDevolution

Subkey or entry icon UseDynamicDns

Subkey or entry icon UseLockReadUnlock

Subkey or entry icon UseMHAsyncDns

Subkey or entry icon UseOpportunisticLocking

Subkey or entry icon UsePing

Subkey or entry icon User Identity Attribute

Subkey or entry icon User Interface

Subkey or entry icon User Manager

Subkey or entry icon User Manager for Domains

Subkey or entry icon User Shell Folders

Subkey or entry icon User Shell Folders

Subkey or entry icon UserCacheExpirationTime

Subkey or entry icon UserCacheSize

Subkey or entry icon UserDebuggerHotKey

Subkey or entry icon Userinit

Subkey or entry icon UserList

Subkey or entry icon UserName

Subkey or entry icon UseRplPnrs

Subkey or entry icon UserPolicyMode

Subkey or entry icon UserPreferencesMask

Subkey or entry icon UserPriorityMapping

Subkey or entry icon UserPriorityMapping

Subkey or entry icon UserProfileMinTransferRate

Subkey or entry icon UseSelfFndPnrs

Subkey or entry icon UseUnlockBehind

Subkey or entry icon UseZeroBroadcast

- V -

Subkey or entry icon ValidCommunities

Subkey or entry icon VDD

Subkey or entry icon VerboseStatus

Subkey or entry icon VerifyInterval

Subkey or entry icon VerifyPublishedState

Subkey or entry icon VersCounterStartVal_HighWord

Subkey or entry icon VersCounterStartVal_LowWord

Subkey or entry icon Version

Subkey or entry icon Version-<number>

Subkey or entry icon VirtualDeviceDrivers

Subkey or entry icon VisualNotification

Subkey or entry icon VmApplet

- W -

Subkey or entry icon Wait time

Subkey or entry icon WaitTime

Subkey or entry icon WaitToKillAppTimeout

Subkey or entry icon WaitToKillServiceTimeout

Subkey or entry icon Wallpaper

Subkey or entry icon Wallpaper

Subkey or entry icon WallpaperStyle

Subkey or entry icon WallpaperStyle

Subkey or entry icon WAN Miniport (L2TP) <Device-number (000n)>

Subkey or entry icon WanEndpoints

Subkey or entry icon WarnUser

Subkey or entry icon WarnUserTimeout

Subkey or entry icon WaveFile

Subkey or entry icon Welcome

Subkey or entry icon WheelScrollLines

Subkey or entry icon Win31FileSystem

Subkey or entry icon Win32PrioritySeparation

Subkey or entry icon Win95TruncatedExtensions

Subkey or entry icon windir

Subkey or entry icon WindowMetrics

Subkey or entry icon WindowPosition

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows

Subkey or entry icon Windows File Protection

Subkey or entry icon Windows Help

Subkey or entry icon Windows NT

Subkey or entry icon Windows NT

Subkey or entry icon Windows NT

Subkey or entry icon Windows NT

Subkey or entry icon Windows <environment-name>

Subkey or entry icon WindowSize

Subkey or entry icon Winlogon

Subkey or entry icon Winlogon

Subkey or entry icon Winprint_TextNoCRTranslation

Subkey or entry icon Winprint_TextNoTranslation

Subkey or entry icon winreg

Subkey or entry icon WINS

Subkey or entry icon WINSNameServer

Subkey or entry icon WINSNameServerBackup

Subkey or entry icon Wizard

Subkey or entry icon Wizard

Subkey or entry icon Workgroup

Subkey or entry icon World Full Access Shared Parameters

Subkey or entry icon WOW

Subkey or entry icon WOW

Subkey or entry icon wowcmdline

Subkey or entry icon wowsize

Subkey or entry icon WriteAuthorityNs

Subkey or entry icon WriteMsgTimeout

- X -

Subkey or entry icon XactDeadLetterAlways

Subkey or entry icon XactDelayReceiveNack

Subkey or entry icon XfrConnectTimeout

- Y -

- Z -

Subkey or entry icon Zones