

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_DWORD 0 | 1 0


Prevents the DNS client from overwriting an existing resource record when it discovers an address conflict during dynamic update.

An address conflict occurs when the DNS client discovers that an existing A record associates its DNS name with the IP address of a different computer.

By default, the DNS client tries to replace the original registration with a record associating the DNS name to its own IP address. However, you can use this entry to direct DNS back out of the registration process and to record an error in the Event Viewer log instead.

This entry is designed for zones that do not use secure dynamic update. It prevents unauthorized users from changing the IP address registration of a client computer.

0The DNS client overwrites the existing A record with an A record for its own IP address.
1The DNS client backs out of the registration process and writes an error to the Event Viewer log.

Note Image Note

Windows 2000 does not add this entry to the registry. You can add it by editing the registry or by using a program that edits the registry.

Tip Image Tip

To find other registry entries related to DNS dynamic update, type "dynamic update" on the Search tab in this file.

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