
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\<Language-code>

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_MULTI_SZ Descriptions of counters There is no default value for this entry.


Stores text describing the counters performance counters installed in Windows 2000. This text is designed for performance tools, such System Monitor.

Activation method

To make changes to this entry effective, restart the Remote Registry Service or restart Windows 2000.

Note Image Note

This entry does not appear in Regedit. To view this entry, use Regedt32.

Tip Image Tip

To view the descriptive text in System Monitor, in the Add to Chart dialog box, click Explain.

For information on how to add descriptive text to the counters you develop for Windows 2000, see the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK).

Caution Image Caution

Do not change this value. This value is maintained by the Performance Library. If you change it, the performance tools on your system will not operate properly.