
HKCU\Control Panel\International

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ number of digits[;number of digits...] For U.S. English: 3;0


Describes how digits are grouped to the left of the decimal.

Each numeric value in this entry determines how many digits will be grouped together. The first number in this value determines the number of digits immediatly preceeding the decimal point, and each subsequent value determines the number of digits between thousands separators. If the last value is 0, the preceding value is repeated.

Value Example
3;2;0 12,34,56,789
3;0 123,456,789
0;0 123456789

The symbol used to separate the groups is determined by the value of sThousand.

Change method

To change the value of this entry, double-click Regional Options in Control Panel. Click the Numbers tab, and then select a grouping from the Digit grouping drop-down list.

Note Image Note

Regional Options in Control Panel limits this value to the three options in the table, but you can enter up to five groups of digits, such as 1;2;3;4;5, in the value of this entry.

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