
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ String (up to 255 characters) (There is no default value for this entry)


Specifies the words that appear in the Web page link in the Printers folder. The URL for the link is stored in the value of SupportLink.

This entry stores the setting of the URL Title box in the Custom support URL in the Printers folder's left pane Group Policy. Group Policy adds this entry to the registry when you configure the Custom support URL in the Printers folder's left pane policy. If you disable the policy or set it to Not configured, Group Policy deletes the entry from the registry.

This policy lets you replace the default support information in the Printers folder with a link to a printer support Web page for your enterprise. By default, the Printers folder includes a link to the Windows 2000 Support Web page. It can also include a link to a Web page supplied by the vendor of the currently selected printer. However, when this entry and SupportLink appear in the registry with valid values, the system displays the link they define in place of these default links.

Change method

To change the value of this entry, use Group Policy. This entry corresponds to the Custom support URL in the Printers folder's left pane policy (Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Printers).

Note Image Note

Web pages links appear in the Printers folder only when Web view is enabled. If Web view is disabled, this entry has no effect. (To enable Web view, open the Printers folder, select the Tools menu, click Folder Options, click the General tab, and then click Enable Web content in folders.)

Tip Image Tip

For detailed information about particular Group Policy settings, see the Group Policy Reference (Gp.chm) on the Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.

For general information about Group Policy, see Group Policy in Windows 2000 Help.

To see a table associating policies with their corresponding registry entries, see the Group Policy Reference Table.

Related Entries

Page Image

Page Image

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