
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ Names of executable files (filename extension not required) userinit


Specifies the programs that Winlogon runs when a user logs on. By default, Winlogon runs Userinit.exe, a program which runs logon scripts, reestablishes network connections, and then starts Explorer.exe, the Windows user interface.

You can change the value of this entry to add or remove programs. For example, to have your program run before the Windows Explorer user interface is started, substitute the name of your program for Userinit.exe in the value of this entry, then include instructions in your program to start Userinit.exe. You might also want to substitute Explorer.exe for Userinit.exe if you are working offline and are not using logon scripts.

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