
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ 0 | 1 0


Records whether or not the screen saver is password-protected. When a screen saver is password-protected, the user must enter the correct password to end the screen saver.

This entry stores the setting of the Password protected check box on the Screen saver tab in Display in Control Panel.

Value Meaning
0 The check box is cleared. The screen saver is not password-protected.
1 The check box is selected. The screen saver is password-protected.

Change method

To change the value of this entry, double-click Display in Control Panel. Click the Screen Saver tab, and then either select or clear the Password protected check box.

Note Image Note

This entry can be superceded by a policy included in Windows 2000. While the Password protect the screen saver Group Policy is enabled, the system disables the Password protected check box and ignores this entry. The setting of the Password protect the screen saver policy is stored in the value of ScreenSaverIsSecure (Policies subkey).