

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_DWORD 0 | 1 1


Determines whether users are notified when print jobs on remote printers are complete.

This entry applies to the computer and affects all and only those printers that are directly connected (local) to the computer. If you configure this entry on a computer with multiple printers, such as a print server, the value of this entry applies to all printers that reside on the server. It cannot be configured separately for any printer or any user.

Also, this entry applies only to remote printing. Users are not notified when local print jobs are complete.

0Users are not notified.
1A message appears on the user's display when remote print jobs that they have submitted are complete.

Change method

To change the value of this entry for a local printer, click Start, click Settings, and click Printers. From the File menu, click Server Properties, and then click the Advanced tab. This entry corresponds to the Notify when remote documents are printed option.

To change this value for a network printer, connect to the print server and click the Printers folder. From the File menu, click Server Properties, and then click the Advanced tab. This entry corresponds to the Notify when remote documents are printed option.

Note Image Note

This policy only affects printers connected directly to the computer. To set this policy for a network printer, you must be an administrator of the print server on which the printer resides.

Messages enabled by this entry are sent by using the Windows 2000 Messaging Service. If the Messaging Service is not running on the user's computer, users do not receive the message.

Tip Image Tip

To prevent a network printer from sending you a message, you can use Computer Management to stop the Windows 2000 Messaging Service. However, if you do, you do not receive any messages sent by using the Messaging Service.

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