
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\(Network adapters) {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\WAN Miniport (L2TP) <Device-number (000n)>

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_DWORD 0x0 - 0xFFFFFFFF milliseconds 0x1F4 (500 milliseconds)


Determines how long the L2TP driver can wait before acknowledging receipt of a packet.

The L2TP driver tries to minimize packet traffic by "piggybacking" acknowledgments, that is, sending acknowledgments with another outgoing data packet. If there are no outgoing data packets, the system waits for a packet for a specified interval before sending the acknowledgement in a separate packet.

The L2TP driver adjusts the wait interval dynamically based on the network transmission rate. This entry establishes the maximum duration of this interval.

Note Image Note

Windows 2000 does not add this entry to the registry. You can add it by editing the registry or by using a program that edits the registry.