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Sites which contain the word library

Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library
Academy of Achievement: Virtual Book Club
African American Literature
The African American Mosaic
American Voter
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Project: Global, Regional, and Countries Virtual Libraries
Asian-American Theatre Revue
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Bibliomania, The Network Library
Booklist: Books for Youth
British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
Civil War Interactive
Computer Programming Languages (WWW Virtual Library)
The Cornell Law Library
Country Studies
CyberSaunter Henry David Thoreau
CyberSchool Magazine
Documenting the American South
Edwin Moise Bibliography of the Vietnam War
Eisenhower Center
Electric Library
Exploring the West from Monticello
Ezra Pound (1885-1972)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Flannery O'Connor Collection
Fourth World Documentation Project
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum
The Gallery of the Open Frontier
The Gettysburg Address
Go Math
A Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum
Hello Dolly: A WebQuest
Henry James Scholar's Guide to Web Sites
Hispanic Reading Room
The House of Usher: Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
Inkspot: Resources for Writers
Internet Public Library
IPL: The Internet Public Library
The Irish Poetry Page
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
Language and Culture
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Library of Alexandria
Library of Congress American Memory Home Page
Marshall Plan 50th Anniversary Site
Mathwright Library
Napier University Library: War Poets Collection
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Library of Canada
Native American Literature Online
The New York Public Library Home Page
Panoramic Maps: 1847-1909
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
Presidential Libraries
Project ICONS
Russian History
Russian Literature
Scottish Literature at the University of South Carolina
The Smithsonian: America's Treasure House of Learning
Spanish Language, Spain, and Spanish America
El Sur del Sur Web Site
United States House of Representatives
USA Today
Vincent Voice Library
Virtual Polyhedra
The Walt Whitman Collection
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics
Writing Black
WWW Virtual Library West European Studies Research Sources
Young Adult Literature Library