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Pokemon Guide
This list of all available Pokemon in Snap. Only 63 Pokemon are included in the game, which is a big shame.

Pokemon Pokedex

## -English- -Japanese- -Location-
001 Bulbasaur Fushigidane River, Cave
004 Charmander Hitokage Volcano
005 Charmeleon Lizard Volcano
006 Charizard Lizardon Volcano
007 Squirtle Zenigame Valley
011 Metapod Trancel River
012 Butterfree Batterfree Beach
014 Kakuna Kokoon Tunnel
016 Pidgey Poppo Beach
025 Pikachu Pikachu Beach, Tunnel, River, Cave
027 Sandshrew Sand Valley
028 Sandslash Sandpan Valley
037 Vulpix Rocon Volcano
039 Jigglypuff Purin Cave
041 Zubat Zubat Tunnel, Cave
045 Vileplume Rafracia River
050 Diglett Digda Tunnel
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Tunnel
052 Meowth Nyase Beach
054 Psyduck Koduck River
056 Mankey Mankey Valley
058 Growlithe Gardie Volcano
059 Arcanine Windie Volcano
060 Poliwag Nyoromo River
070 Weepinbell Utsudon Cave
071 Victreebel Utsubot Cave
074 Geodude Ishitsubute Valley
075 Graveler Goron Valley
078 Rapidash Gallop Volcano
079 Slowpoke Yadon River
080 Slowbro Yadoran River
081 Magnemite Coil Tunnel
082 Magneton Recoil Tunnel
084 Doduo Dodo Beach
088 Grimer Betbeter Cave
089 Muk Betbeton Cave
090 Shellder Shellder River
091 Cloyster Parshen River
093 Haunter Ghost Tunnel
101 Electrode Marmine Tunnel
109 Koffing Dogase Cave
113 Chansey Lucky Beach
115 Kangaskhan Garura Beach
118 Goldeen Tosakint Valley
120 Staryu Hitodeman Valley
121 Starmie Stermie Valley
123 Scyther Stryke Beach
124 Jynx Rudgura Cave
125 Electabuzz Elebuu Tunnel
126 Magmar Boober Volcano
129 Magikarp Koiking Beach, Tunnel, Volcano, River, Cave, Valley
130 Gyarados Gyarados Valley
131 Lapras Rapras Beach
132 Ditto Metamon Cave
133 Eevee Ivui Beach
137 Porygon Porygon River
143 Snorlax Kabigon Beach
144 Articuno Freezer Cave
145 Zapdos Thunder Tunnel
146 Moltres Fire Volcano
147 Dratini Miniryu Valley
149 Dragonite Kairyu Valley
151 Mew Myuu Rainbow Cloud