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GB Poke 2
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Monster Guide
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GB Pinball
Pinball Info
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GB Card
Card Info
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64 Stadium 1
Stadium Info
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64 Stadium 2
Stadium 2 Info
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64 Smash
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Character Guide
Items Guide
Skills Guide
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64 Snap
Snap Info
Monster Guide
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64 Pikachu
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Contacting Me
For all of you who are wondering whats the reason why I never answer you emails, it's becuase I get so many emails, I just dont have the time to read all of them thoroughly and waiting for server connections when replying. I have set up these rules so that to limit my email count to only important and pertinant subjects.

Before emailing me, make sure that your email does not consist of any of these subjects. If it does, you will immediately be put on my filter. Those of you who visit the General UPNetwork Message board know how I am for ZERO Tolerance.

  • "Please link to my site, I will link to yours!" I do not do link exchanges... you can link to my site, but I will not link to yours. If you want you can have your site listed in the UPNetwork Poke-Turnpike. I only directly link to sites on this server.
  • "Would you like to affiliate with my site?" Unless you are a big site like Nintendojo [they offered me hosting], IGN or EAGB... [see above]
  • "Do you know when ... is coming out in ...?" This kind of information can be found on the netbar to the right of the news page. Everything I know about release dates is listed there, I know nothing of Australia, Europe or Canada.
  • "Do you know any cheats for ...?", "How do you catch ...?", "Is ... a real Pokemon?", "Why wasn't ... played in America?" These questions can easily be answered by reading, I mean thats what this page is for. Most of the time your best bet would be to read the articles I write about once a month, other times they can be found on normal pages.
  • "Lets talk, I wanna talk, lets be PokePals!" Umm... I'm not a party host. I already have enough people to talk about Pokemon and other Animes with on ICQ. And I love Animes...
  • "Could you send me ...?" Everything I have is on this website, if you want it, download it yourself. Why should I have to upload it again?
  • "Can I get the UPNetwork Award?" Go away, your site is now disqualified from any chances of getting the award.
  • "Can I use ... on my page? I will give you credit." The Immediate answer is no. I don't give permission for anyone to use any files on this site, usually becuase I didn't directly create the file in question. If I didnt create the object in question, then I have no right to give you permission to use it.

Okay, now that that is over... Of course I will always accept page making tips, rumors about upcoming releases and information. I am also open to your constructive critisizm. If you do not include your credentials or a subject to your email, it will be deleted.

On another note... I will NOT authorize you on my ICQ when you first request it. I have authorization on becuase I don't want to be spammed to hell by little kids who just learned the internet becuase of Pokemon. Unless you run another big site, hosted by me or some other way in constant contact with me, you will be denied.

On to the contacts...