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Smash Powerups
Throughout many boards in the game, their are powerup items that you can find along the way. In order to get these items, you must first break open the falling package in which they are contained.

Offensive Powerup Items

-Powerup- -Effect-
Energy Blade Attacks from a Distance
Home Run Bat Knocks Player Out of Stadium
Paper Fan Paper Cut
Hammer Wackem! Wackem! Wackem!
Starwand Player Faints
Ray Gun Attacks from a Distance
Flame Thrower Throws Fire
Motion Mine Proximity Explosion
Bomb Soldier Walks Around Looking for a Target
Pokeball Random Pokemon Attacks, 16 Random Pokemon
Green Shell Knocks Opponent Flat
Red Shell Homing, Knocks Opponet Flat

Defensive Powerup Items

-Powerup- -Effect-
Bumber Bounce Shield
Star Temporary Invisibility
Maximum Tomato Restores Health
Heart Container Heals Damage