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Pokemon Secrets
These are all the known secrets from the game. Any other myths or codes you have heard that are not listed here are usually false.

  • You can capture Safari Pokemon by going to the Safari zone and then heading to Cinnibar Island, swim up the half coast and half land and you will be attacked by Safari Pokemon. This works with the last grass you have been in, most commonly used for the Safari zone.
  • You can capture MissingNo by swimming up the half coast and half land area of Cinnibar Island. You will eventually be attacked by him.
  • Capturing MissingNo will definitely mess your Pokemon Hall of Fame section of any PC and has a slight chance of deleting your save.
  • There is a phantom PC in the Celadon Hotel.  You can go to it as if it were a Pokecenter.
  • All internal codes were purposely put in by the programmers of the game so that they can rule out honest trainers. Internal codes contain virii that can screw up the save of your game. You must restart the game to get rid of it. Not only will it ruin your save, but it can be given to other trainers by trading, then they cant save and get very mad at you.
  • Holding Up+B on the D-Pad as you throw a pokeball will hold it tighter and help you catch easier.  It will increase a Pokeball to the next level, Pokeball to GreatBall to Ultraball etc. This trick does increase a Pokebal to Greatball to Ultraball, but it does NOT make an Ultraball into a Masterball.
  • Talk to the Sleeping [Old] man in Viridina City, tell him you are not busy and he will show you how to catch a Pokemon. Then surf down the half coast and half water area and hope you see Missingno. Dont battle it, just run away, battle it can mess up your game. You will now have over 125 of your sixth item.