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Important News Bulletin: Have you checked out UPNetwork's Virtual Palace Chat? The coolest vIRC chat can only be found here. To learn more about the palace, visit the Palace vIRC Chat section.

-December 07, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

Duo-Chromed Gameboy Color

A New Special Edition Gameboy: For every Pokemon game that has come out in Japan, there has always been a special edition Gameboy color that is themed to Pokemon; my favorite being the Blue-Orange Duo-Toned. Well Gold and Silver is no different. The new Gameboy available for the release of this game at the Tokyo and Osaka Pokemon Centers is unlike any other. The Duo-Chromed casing changes colors under different tints and shades of light. Of course like all other editions, this one has remained sold out since its release just a few weeks ago. And as usual, it comes bundled with two very special Pikachu Batteries.

General News: Looking to buy a Gameboy Color? Most toy stores will tell you that they are sold out! Why? Since the over-aggressive advertising campaign of Pokemon, the game and it's handheld console system has been the number one request Christmas present during this holiday season [or Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or whatever your religion]. And okay, so far we have known that Toei plans to overthrow [or at least try] Pokemon using the distribution of the anime Digimon: Digital Monsters [which in fact is not a copy of Pokemon, Digimon came out first in Japan]. But did you know that Sega is trying to counteract the craze using Sonic the Hedgehog? Can't wait to see those Sonic T-Shirts! ^_^

-December 06, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

They Say...: They say that "No news is good news", but I don't buy it. Do you? Well anyways, I did get a chance to work on the new layout... perhaps I will get a preview up soon.

-December 05, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

"All Hell has broken loose"

Message Board: Well it seems that we are having hacking problems at our new message board again. Apparently even my account has hacked, but by a different group who was taking vigilantism to a farther extent. After this other group identified the original hackers, the hackers tried to apologize for their misdeeds. But I am sorry, it just does not work that way! The board is already damaged beyond repair and we cannot fix it. We are forced yet again to reset it and delete all accounts. That "we have noted your attempt to hack this board" message is just one effect that we cannot fix. If this happens again I will be forced to shut the UBB down completely; apparently it looks as if the few who ran down the Pojo have flocked to our message board. I am loosing faith in everyone at the message boards. Why can't some people just drop their immaturities and stop wreaking havoc in a place suited for children?

I just cant get any work done anymore. So all projects are being pushed back.

-December 04, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

New Episode: A rather interesting episode; disturbing to few. In the episode there is a rivalry between a group of Pidgey and Pidgeotto and a group of Spearow and Fearow. Ash was asked by Professor Oak to head to the Orange Archipelago [chain of islands] to get the GS Ball from Professor Ivy. At the Orange Islands Ash will join the Orange League, Brock will stay with Ivy and Tracey will join the gang. I did get an email from an angry mother who complained of the obvious violent issues in this episode. She complained about how the Fearow was getting beat by the army of Pidgey; something about getting "gang banged". People need to stop overreacting. And Pokemon Card GB has been pushed back till April 10.

Agumon, a Digimon

A News Filler: No news, so just an editorial. It seems that in the continent of North America, no TV network has any idea what they are doing with Pokemon. First let me start with YTV, they play new episodes everyday; which is a good thing. But now that they have played them too much and run out of episodes, instead of showing repeats they have decided to temporarily cancel Pokemon and show 6 weeks of Digimon and Monster Rancher. I personally like Digimon, but most people don't. And then lets talk about Warner Brother's WB stations... One new episode a week, making us wait anxiously for new episodes. Then showing these lame themes week; those many who have just gotten into Pokemon have no idea what's going on because of the incorrect order of episodes. Plus with theme weeks, not all the episodes get played and the only time they play the other episodes in order are when we are all at school. None the less, Pikachu drags home a sack of cash...

Page Additions: ep81.html
Page Updates: TV Anime > Episode Guide, Netbar

-December 03, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

Pocket Monster #244 (Entei) [Actual scene from LUT (ECT?)]

Anime News: Well we've got some more news on the new movie. We do know that there will be one Pokemon, which to the current moment renames unknown. But now we know of another, this Pokemon as seen behind Satoshi is #244 (Entei). What purpose this Pokemon plays in the movie we have no idea; we hope to have more news soon. Poor Canada [something I would not expect to say]. Because YTV has been playing new episodes of Pokemon every weekday in Canada, the translators of the show have been unable to keep up! So YTV has pushed behind schedule and they will play no new Pokemon episodes till January 24! Maybe we Americans can finally catch up.

Holier Than Thou Part 1: This is a new series discussing the ludicrous religious and legal implications of Pokemon. Recently a boy opened a pack of Japanese TCG cards and found a rather disturbing figure. On the card was a Japanese character that looked like a Swastika; but in Japan and Buddhist religion it means hope. I don't really understand how people get enraged about these kind of things, it is a different language; after all, isn't the German Swastika some sort of symbol for good fortune anyway? And in Connecticut a 9 year old boy was found after calling 911 in a closed department store; he was later discovered to have possession of 44 TCG packs and $400 in stolen cash. Staying behind in a store, stealing merchandise, getting locked in, and then calling the police?!

Page Updates: Turnpike

-December 02, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

News on the next movie. [Actual scene from MSB]

Movie News: We have more information on the new movie. The movie takes place on the Island Resort of Greenfield. On Greenfield there is a mysterious Crystal Tower that was created from the imagination of a young girl. And in the movie there is a special Pokemon Trading Card, in which another mysterious Pokemon emerges; a Pokemon without name or number. On other sites, I have heard people calling this movie 'Emperor of the Crystal Tower'. I don't know if the name of the movie was changed 5 hours after it was announced or not, but the name 'Lord of the Unknown Tower' I had retrieved from an official press release about the popularity of Pokemon in Japan. It is also reported that the Poke-Speech OAV that accompanies this movie will be entitled "Pikachu's Birthday Party".

Pokemon Bust: Yesterday in Hackensack there was a major bust of a Pokemon Counterfeiting Ring. Police officers confiscated contraband that if was genuine would be valued at about 1.2 Million dollars! When the sources of equipment of the counterfeiting ring were traced back, it lead to more counterfeiting factories in upstate New York; where they made imitation clothes and other such materials. The counterfeiters were arrested and are now facing a 10 year sentence. Pokemon cards are printed on two sheets of paper then are pasted together; when held up to the light they are opaque. The cards they confiscated were printed on both sites of one sheet of paper; when held up to the light the image of the other side of the card is embossed in the light. If you have Pokemon cards, be sure to check you don't have any counterfeits [and if you do, trade em away quickly! ^_^].

-December 01, 1999-


-Updated by Jaxel-

Another Pocket Monster Movie? [Actual scene from PR-Lugia]

Another Movie: I doubt you will find this news on any site before this one. First it was Mewtwo Strikes Back, then it was The Explosive Birth of Revelation-Lugia, and now our friends in Japan will be getting another dose of Pokemon in it's third feature-length movie! The third movie which is known as 'Lord of the Unknown Tower' will be premiering across Japanese theatres this summer! Not much else is known about this movie, but we will report any news we get. In tradition of Pokemon movies, they have aired alongside a Poke-speech OAV; will this one? [Pikachu's Winter Vacation, Pikachu's Summer Vacation and Pikachu's Exploration Party are not feature length movies, they are OAVs. OAVs are meant to be non-continual stories as they have no relation to the main plot of the movie/show]

More Useless Facts: A Puerto Rican lawyer is filing a probe of Pokemon. Supposedly he wants to find out what has made Pokemon so popular throughout the world. I don't need a legal investigation to tell you that, I can answer it in one word; over-saturation! How many times have I made this remark? And today, Candy Planet [subsidiary of Toymax] has shipped its 1 millionth piece of Poke Gum! The president of Toymax [Steven Lebensfeld] delivered the piece of gum personally to the CEO of KIDE(4 Kids Ent.) [Al Kahn]. There has also been a rumor about a so called conversion of Gold/Silver called Bronze [much like the Yellow conversion to Red/Blue]. I have not seen any legitimate proof of this game, and until I see some sort of official word on this game I'm not going to believe any rumors. And I recommend you don't either.

Page Updates: Netbar, Turnpike


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Release Dates:
[subject to change]

Game: Gold/Silver
Jp - Nov 21, 99
En - Sept, 00

Game: Stadium 2
Jp - Released
En - Mar 6, 00

Game: Card
Jp - Released
En - Apr 10, 00

Movie: PRL + PEP
Jp - Released
En - Future

Movie: LUT + PBP
Jp - Summer 00
En - No Plans


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