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Poke Polls Info
Now we have some polls so that you can voice your opinion on the many controversial subjects in Pokemon.  You can vote on polls once every 24 hours.

Cutest Pokemon: Winner = Pikachu
Who's the Cutest Pokemon?  Too bad Eevee only came in second.  Click Here.

Ugliest Pokemon: Winner = Jynx
Who's the Ugliest Pokemon?  Can you believe Pikachu came in fourth?  Click Here.

Most Useless Pokemon: Winner = Magikarp
Most Useless Pokemon? Can you believe Pikachu came in fourth? Click Here.

Fiercest Pokemon: Winner = Mewtwo
Fiercest Pokemon? Who would have guessed? Click Here.

Starter Pokemon: Winner = Squirtle
Who did you get from Professor Oak your first time playing? Click Here.

Best Episode: Winner = Breeding Center Secret
Best Episode? Very peculiar? Click Here.

Saddest Episode: Winner = Pikachu's Goodbye
Saddest Episode? We all knew who would win? Click Here.

Stupidest Episode: Winner = Breeding Center Secret
Worst Episode? Very peculiar, wasn't this rated best? Click Here.

WB Schedule: Winner = Seven+ Days a Week
How days a week would you like to get a new episode? Click Here.

Brock's Girl: Winner = Susie
Brock deserves a nice girl, who will it be? Click Here.

Misty's Bike: Winner = Choice 3
Will Ash ever repay Misty for her bike? Click Here.

Red or Blue: Winner = Blue
Which version of Pokemon did you get first? Click Here.

Viva Pokemon: Winner = 10+ Years
How long do you think the Pokemon sensation will last? Click Here.

Monster Anime: Winner = Pokemon
What is your favorite Monster anime? Many are out now. Click Here.

Gaming Systems: Winner = Gameboy Color
What system do you play on? Do you use emulators? Click Here.

Battle of the Sexes: Winner = Male
Are you male or female? I really thought there were a lot more females. Click Here.

Ages of Players: Winner = Can you really have a winner?
How old are you? Surprisingly most Pokemon players are in their teens. Click Here.

Frames Vs. No-Frames: Winner = Frames
Which version do you use? No-Frames looks better. Click Here.
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UPNetwork Header: Winner = Banner #12 / Banner #06 [tie]
Which is best? My vote decided over the tie. Click Here.