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Pokemon Guide
This list has info on every single Pokemon in the Gold/Silver games. Clicking on the English Name of any PokΘmon will open up a size controlled pop-up window with further info about that PokΘmon. Much of this info supplied by the Poke Dome.

One - There is only one of this Pokemon in the game.
- Oh not another *insert Pokemon name here*!
- There is a small ratio you will find this Pokemon.
- You must evolve a previous Pokemon to get this.
- You can not get this Pokemon without trading.

"-" - This Pokemon starts out with this move.
- This Pokemon does not learn this move.

Pokemon PokΘdex

## -Unconfirmed English- -Japanese- -Gold- -Silver-
001 Bulbasaur Fushigidane ????? ?????
002 Ivysaur Fushigisou ????? ?????
003 Venusaur Fushigibana ????? ?????
004 Charmander Hitokage ????? ?????
005 Charmeleon Lizard ????? ?????
006 Charizard Lizardon ????? ?????
007 Squirtle Zenigame ????? ?????
008 Wartortle Kamer ????? ?????
009 Blastoise Kamex ????? ?????
010 Caterpie Catapie ????? ?????
011 Metapod Trancel ????? ?????
012 Butterfree Batterfree ????? ?????
013 Weedle Beedle ????? ?????
014 Kakuna Kokoon ????? ?????
015 Beedril Spear ????? ?????
016 Pidgey Poppo ????? ?????
017 Pidgeotto Pidgeon ????? ?????
018 Pidgeot Pidgeott ????? ?????
019 Rattata Koratta ????? ?????
020 Raticate Ratta ????? ?????
021 Spearow Onisuzume ????? ?????
022 Fearow Onidrill ????? ?????
023 Ekans Arbo ????? ?????
024 Arbok Arbok ????? ?????
025 Pikachu Pikachu ????? ?????
026 Raichu Raichu ????? ?????
027 Sandshrew Sand ????? ?????
028 Sandslash Sandpan ????? ?????
029 Nidoran-F- Nidoran ????? ?????
030 Nidorina Nidorina ????? ?????
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen ????? ?????
032 Nidoran-M- Nidoran ????? ?????
033 Nidorino Nidorino ????? ?????
034 Nidoking Nidoking ????? ?????
035 Clefairy Pippi ????? ?????
036 Clefable Picthy ????? ?????
037 Vulpix Rocon ????? ?????
038 Ninetails Kyucon ????? ?????
039 Jigglypuff Purin ????? ?????
040 Wigglytuff Pukrin ????? ?????
041 Zubat Zubat ????? ?????
042 Golbat Golbat ????? ?????
043 Oddish Nazonokusa ????? ?????
044 Gloom Kusaihana ????? ?????
045 Vileplume Rafracia ????? ?????
046 Paras Paras ????? ?????
047 Parasect Parasect ????? ?????
048 Venonat Konpan ????? ?????
049 Venomoth Morphon ????? ?????
050 Diglett Digda ????? ?????
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio ????? ?????
052 Meowth Nyase ????? ?????
053 Persian Persian ????? ?????
054 Psyduck Koduck ????? ?????
055 Golduck Golduck ????? ?????
056 Mankey Mankey ????? ?????
057 Primeape Okorizaru ????? ?????
058 Growlithe Gardie ????? ?????
059 Arcanine Windie ????? ?????
060 Poliwag Nyoromo ????? ?????
061 Poliwhirl Nyorozo ????? ?????
062 Poliwrath Nyorobon ????? ?????
063 Abra Kesie ????? ?????
064 Kadabra Yunghelor ????? ?????
065 Alakazam Fudin ????? ?????
066 Machap Wanrikie ????? ?????
067 Machoke Gorikie ????? ?????
068 Machamp Kairikie ????? ?????
069 Bellsprout Madatubomi ????? ?????
070 Weepinbell Utsudon ????? ?????
071 Victreebel Utsubot ????? ?????
072 Tentacool Menokurage ????? ?????
073 Tentacruel Dokukurage ????? ?????
074 Geodude Ishitsubute ????? ?????
075 Graveler Goron ????? ?????
076 Golem Goronya ????? ?????
077 Ponyta Ponyta ????? ?????
078 Rapidash Gallop ????? ?????
079 Slowpoke Yadon ????? ?????
080 Slowbro Yadoran ????? ?????
081 Magnemite Coil ????? ?????
082 Magneton Recoil ????? ?????
083 Farfetch'd Kamonegi ????? ?????
084 Doduo Dodo ????? ?????
085 Dodrio Dodrio ????? ?????
086 Seel Pawwow ????? ?????
087 Dewgong Jugon ????? ?????
088 Grimer Betbeter ????? ?????
089 Muk Betbeton ????? ?????
090 Shellder Shellder ????? ?????
091 Cloyster Parshen ????? ?????
092 Ghastly Ghos ????? ?????
093 Haunter Ghost ????? ?????
094 Gengar Gengar ????? ?????
095 Onix Iwake ????? ?????
096 Drowzee Sleep ????? ?????
097 Hypno Sleeper ????? ?????
098 Krabby Krab ????? ?????
099 Kingler Kingler ????? ?????
100 Voltorb Biriridama ????? ?????
101 Electrode Marmine ????? ?????
102 Exeggcute Tamatama ????? ?????
103 Exeggutor Nassie ????? ?????
104 Cub????? Karakara ????? ?????
105 Marowak Garagara ????? ?????
106 Hitmonlee Sawamurer ????? ?????
107 Hitmonchan Ebiwarer ????? ?????
108 Lickitung Beroringa ????? ?????
109 Koffing Dogase ????? ?????
110 Weezing Matadogas ????? ?????
111 Rhyhorn Psyhorn ????? ?????
112 Rhydon Psydon ????? ?????
113 Chansey Lucky ????? ?????
114 Tangela Monjara ????? ?????
115 Kangaskhan Garura ????? ?????
116 Horsea Tattsu ????? ?????
117 Seadra Seadra ????? ?????
118 Goldeen Tosakint ????? ?????
119 Seaking Azumaou ????? ?????
120 Staryu Hitodeman ????? ?????
121 Starmie Stermie ????? ?????
122 Mr. Mime Bariyard ????? ?????
123 Scyther Stryke ????? ?????
124 Jynx Rudgura ????? ?????
125 Electabuzz Elebuu ????? ?????
126 Magmar Boober ????? ?????
127 Pinsir Kiros ????? ?????
128 Tauros Kentauros ????? ?????
129 Magikarp Koiking ????? ?????
130 Gyarados Gyarados ????? ?????
131 Lapras Rapras ????? ?????
132 Ditto Metamon ????? ?????
133 Eevee Ivui ????? ?????
134 Vaporeon Showers ????? ?????
135 Jolteon Thunders ????? ?????
136 Flareon Booster ????? ?????
137 Porygon Porygon ????? ?????
138 Omanyte Omnite ????? ?????
139 Omastar Omster ????? ?????
140 Kabuto Kabuto ????? ?????
141 Kabutops Kabutopus ????? ?????
142 Aerodactyl Ptera ????? ?????
143 Snorlax Kabigon ????? ?????
144 Articuno Freezer ????? ?????
145 Zapdos Thunder ????? ?????
146 Moltres Fire ????? ?????
147 Dratini Miniryu ????? ?????
148 Dragonair Hakuryu ????? ?????
149 Dragonite Kairyu ????? ?????
150 Mewtwo Myuutwo ????? ?????
151 Mew Myuu ????? ?????
152 ????? Chikorita ????? ?????
153 ????? Beifiru ????? ?????
154 ????? Meganiumi ????? ?????
155 ????? Hinoarashi ????? ?????
156 ????? Magumarashi ????? ?????
157 ????? Bakufun ????? ?????
158 ????? Waninoko ????? ?????
159 ????? Arigeitsu ????? ?????
160 ????? Odairu ????? ?????
161 ????? Otachi ????? ?????
162 ????? Ootachi ????? ?????
163 ????? Hoho ????? ?????
164 ????? Yorunozuku ????? ?????
165 ????? Redeiba ????? ?????
166 ????? Redeian ????? ?????
167 ????? Itomaru ????? ?????
168 ????? Araidosu ????? ?????
169 ????? Kuroba ????? ?????
170 ????? Chonchi ????? ?????
171 ????? Rantan ????? ?????
172 ????? Pichu ????? ?????
173 ????? Pi ????? ?????
174 ????? Pupurin ????? ?????
175 Togepi Togepi ????? ?????
176 ????? Togechikku ????? ?????
177 ????? Neitei ????? ?????
178 ????? Neiteio ????? ?????
179 ????? Meripu ????? ?????
180 ????? Mokoko ????? ?????
181 ????? Denryuu ????? ?????
182 ????? Kireihana ????? ?????
183 Marrill Mariru ????? ?????
184 ????? Mariruri ????? ?????
185 ????? Usokki ????? ?????
186 ????? Myorotono ????? ?????
187 ????? Hane ????? ?????
188 ????? Popo ????? ?????
189 ????? Watakko ????? ?????
190 ????? Eipamu ????? ?????
191 ????? Himanattsu ????? ?????
192 ????? Kimawari ????? ?????
193 ????? Yanyanma ????? ?????
194 ????? Upa ????? ?????
195 ????? Nuo ????? ?????
196 ????? Efui ????? ?????
197 ????? Burakki ????? ?????
198 ????? Yamikarasu ????? ?????
199 Slowking Yadokingu ????? ?????
200 ????? Muuma ????? ?????
201 ????? Annon ????? ?????
202 ????? Sonansu ????? ?????
203 ????? Kirinriki ????? ?????
204 ????? Kunugidama ????? ?????
205 ????? Fuoretosu ????? ?????
206 ????? Nokocchi ????? ?????
207 ????? Guraiga ????? ?????
208 ????? Haganeru ????? ?????
209 Snubble Buru ????? ?????
210 ????? Guranburu ????? ?????
211 ????? Harisen ????? ?????
212 ????? Hassamu ????? ?????
213 ????? Tsubotsubo ????? ?????
214 ????? Herakuroso ????? ?????
215 ????? Nyura ????? ?????
216 ????? Himeguma ????? ?????
217 ????? Ringuma ????? ?????
218 ????? Magumaggu ????? ?????
219 ????? Magukarugo ????? ?????
220 ????? Urimu ????? ?????
221 ????? Inomu ????? ?????
222 ????? Sanigo ????? ?????
223 ????? Teppouo ????? ?????
224 ????? Okutan ????? ?????
225 ????? Deribado ????? ?????
226 ????? Maintain ????? ?????
227 ????? Eamudo ????? ?????
228 ????? Derubiru ????? ?????
229 ????? Heruga ????? ?????
230 ????? Kingudora ????? ?????
231 ????? Gomazou ????? ?????
232 Donphan Donfuyan ????? ?????
233 Porygon2 Porygon2 ????? ?????
234 ????? Odoshishi ????? ?????
235 ????? Doburu ????? ?????
236 ????? Baruki ????? ?????
237 ????? Kapoera ????? ?????
238 ????? Muchura ????? ?????
239 ????? Erekiddo ????? ?????
240 ????? Bubii ????? ?????
241 ????? Mirutanku ????? ?????
242 ????? Hapinasu ????? ?????
243 ????? Raikou ????? ?????
244 ????? Entei ????? ?????
245 ????? Suikun ????? ?????
246 ????? Yogirasu ????? ?????
247 ????? Sanagirasu ????? ?????
248 ????? Bangirasu ????? ?????
249 ????? Lugia ????? ?????
250 Phoenix Houou ????? ?????
251 ????? Serebeii ????? ?????