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Gold / Silver Info
Whats Gold/Silver Pokemon you may be asking yourself as you read this.  These games are regarded as Pokemon 2.  The game features about 250 new pokemon and many new cities.  Each Pokemon will now have sexes, male and female.  With these different sexes you will be able to breed Pokemon to compile some jubilant offspring.  Not only that, but there will also be Nocturnal and Durnal Pokemon!  That means night and day Pokemon, as you wander around during the day, then when you wander around during the night, the Pokemon you find in certain areas will be different.  And becuase of this feature you will have to have 2 teams, becuase Nocturnal Pokemon sleep during the day and Durnal Pokemon sleep during the night. I doubt you wanna fight with a sleeping Pokemon. I am looking forward to this game. Check out the news arcticle sections about upcoming Pokemon.