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iAd Network

What is the iAd Network?

The iAd Network provides an automated and intuitive environment for you to easily incorporate iAd rich media ads into your applications. You can also monitor performance and track revenue. iPhone Developer Program members can join the iAd Network today.

How do I join the iAd Network?

To join the iAd Network, iPhone Developer Program members will need to do the following:

  • Agree to the Developer Advertising Services Agreement in iTunes Connect.
  • Set up your banking and tax information if you don’t have a paid app on the App Store.
  • Enable your app for iAd ads in the Manage Your Applications module within iTunes Connect.
  • Set up your iAd preferences in the iAd Network module within iTunes Connect.

Do I need to be an iPhone Developer Program member to join the iAd Network?

In order to join the iAd Network you need to be an iPhone Developer Program member.

How do I create an iAd?

iAd JS, combined with the power of iOS 4 and its Webkit-based browser, makes it easy for you to create high-impact, motion-rich ads. iPhone Developer Program Members can download iAd JS from the iPhone Dev Center. If you are a media or design agency and would like to create iAd ads, you will need to join the iPhone Developer Program to get started.

How do I submit an iAd to be served through the iAd Network?

If you have created an iAd rich media ad, it must be submitted in conjunction with an advertising campaign for your company or on behalf of another company in the iAd Network. Contact the iAd sales team to purchase media space and have your iAd reviewed.

What information is used to decide which types of ads run in my app?

In addition to the preferences you set in the iAd Network module, the metadata you supply iTunes Connect will be used by the iAd Network to optimize the types of ads that are served to your application.

How can I track the effectiveness of using the iAd Network in my applications?

The iAd Network module through iTunes Connect provides an intuitive environment for you to easily monitor performance and track revenue.

Does the iAd Network allow me to set my own preferences to control the types of ads that get served?

The iAd Network allows you to exclude ads from competitors or other unwanted advertisers based on specific keywords, URLs, and application Apple IDs.

Can I use the iAd Network to serve ads in my application for my own apps or content (known as “house ads”)?

The iAd Network does not include support for serving house ads.

If I enable my app to serve iAd rich media ads, can I remove them from my app at a later time?

Once you have enabled iAd rich media ads in your application, you may disable them from your app the next time you submit a binary update through iTunes Connect.

I”m interested in running an advertising campaign on the iAd Network. How do I get started?

Please visit the iAd advertising web page to learn more about advertising on the iAd Network.

How is Advertising Revenue Earned?

Advertising revenue is based on two key metrics: ad impressions (the number of times an ad appears in your app) and clicks (the number of times a user taps to view the ads). Please keep in mind that your actual revenue will not include certain factors, such as clicks on ads that do not fully load due to user action or bonus impressions that are required by our agreements with advertisers.

What is the revenue share for the iAd Network?

Developers will receive 60 percent of iAd Network revenue.

If I do not wish to join the iAd Network, can I continue to use my existing ad delivery service?


If I currently use the Quattro Wireless Network to serve my ads for an iOS 3 application can I continue to do so?

You may continue your existing relationship with Quattro Wireless for your iOS 3 applications. To run iAd rich media ads, you will need to join the iAd Network for your iOS 4 application. Ads from the iAd Network can only run on iOS apps built with iOS SDK 4.

If you have an iOS 3 application, you can continue to run Quattro Wireless Network ads through your Quattro SDK.

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