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Program Enrollment

What are the system requirements for participating in the iPhone Developer Program?

To develop with iOS SDK and participate in the iPhone Developer Program you must have an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

How do I join the iPhone Developer Program?

Visit the iPhone Developer Program page and determine which iPhone Developer Program is right for you.

Developers that wish to distribute apps on the App Store may join the iPhone Developer Standard Program as an Individual or as a Company. Developers who wish to join the iPhone Developer Enterprise Program to create in-house applications for internal deployment must work for a company that has 500 or more employees. Please be aware that we may need to verify the enrolling entity's identity as part of the enrollment process. Personal or business identification documentation may be required. Once the enrollment process is complete, you’ll be directed through the purchase process.

How can I check the status of my Program enrollment?

You can check the status of your Program enrollment at any time by logging into the Member Center.

What are the primary differences between the Standard, Enterprise, and University Programs?

The Standard Individual and Standard Company Programs are intended for developers who are creating free and fee-based applications for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch and want to distribute applications on the App Store.

The Enterprise Program is intended for companies with 500 or more employees with a valid Dun & Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) number and who are creating proprietary, in-house applications for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch that are for internal deployment within the company only.

The University Program is a free program designed for higher education institutions looking to introduce curriculum for developing iPad, iPhone or iPod touch applications.

What are the differences between the Standard Individual Program and the Standard Company Program?

If you enroll as an Individual, your personal name will appear as the “seller name” in the App Store. If you enroll as a Company, your legal company name will be displayed as the “seller name” in the App Store and you will have the ability to add additional members to your development team.

Can I enroll in the iPhone Developer Program on behalf of my company?

Developers enrolling in the iPhone Developer Program should ensure that they have the legal authority to bind their company to any agreements that may be related to the Program.

If I enroll as an Individual, can I change to a Company later?

To convert your iPhone Developer Program Membership from an Individual to a Company please contact us. As part of the conversion process, you may be asked to submit business documents proving your company’s identity.

Which program should I enroll in if I am developing an in-house application for my Company or Organization?

The iPhone Developer Enterprise Program is intended for in-house distribution of applications within companies who have 500 or more employees. During enrollment you will be asked to provide a Dun & Bradstreet (D-U-N-S number) for your company.

If I want my company name to appear as the “Seller Name” on the App Store can I enroll as an Individual or do I have to enroll as a Company?

You must enroll as a Company to have your company’s name appear as the “Seller Name” on the App Store.

What determines how my “Seller Name” appears on the App Store?

If you are enrolled as an Individual, your personal name will be displayed as the "Seller Name" in the App Store. If you are enrolled as a Company/Organization, your legal entity name will be displayed as your "Seller Name."

Can I distribute my application on the App Store if I enroll in the Enterprise Program?

The Enterprise Program only allows for the development of in-house applications for use by your company's employees. If you are interested in developing an application for the App Store, you will need to enroll in the Standard Program.

Do I have to enter my legal name or may I enter an alias/nickname when I enroll?

Developers must use their legal name when enrolling in the iPhone Developer Program.

I'm a contractor or consultant who develops products for third party customers, which program should I join? How would I distribute my customer's application?

You will need to have the company you are working for enroll in the iPhone Developer Standard Company Program and add you as a member of their development team. The development team Agent would submit the binary of your application to the App Store under under the client's company name which will ensure that the client company name is listed as the seller on the App Store.

Can I use an existing Apple ID to register as an Apple Developer or enroll in the iPhone Developer Program?

If you intend to register or enroll for business purposes, you may prefer to create a new Apple ID that is dedicated to your business transactions. If your Apple ID is associated with an existing iTunes Connect account, please create a new Apple ID.

Is there an iPhone Developer Program for students? Do students receive any discounts?

We currently do not offer student discounts or a student iPhone Developer Program. Students enrolled at a degree granting higher education institution may be invited to participate in the iPhone Developer University Program if their institution is enrolled in the Program and their Course Instructor invites them to participate.

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