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Developer Forums

I’m currently enrolled in an Apple Developer Program. What Apple Developer Forums do I have access to?

Developers enrolled in the iPhone Developer Program as a Standard, Enterprise or University Program participant can access the iPhone Developer Forums; developers enrolled in the Mac Developer Program can access the Mac Developer Forums; and developers enrolled in the Safari Developer Program can access the Safari Developer Forums by logging in at with their Apple ID. You can learn more about the Apple Developer Forums by visiting the Apple Developer Forums page.

The first time you log in to the forums, you will be prompted to agree to the Apple Developer Forums Use Agreement. You will then be asked to create a Screen Name. Choose a memorable Screen Name that is between 3 and 30 characters in length using upper or lower case characters, numerals, but no special characters. This Screen Name will be visible to all other members and cannot be changed later.

What are Email Updates?

Email Updates allow you to receive notifications via email about new content in the forums that interest you. You can subscribe to topics, threads, or even people. Click "Email Updates" at the top right hand corner of a page to begin receiving email updates on that topic or thread. A green light indicates that you are receiving email notifications for this topic. To subscribe to a member, click their alias, then click Email Updates at the top of their member profile. To see your current list of email updates, click Email Updates within your profile. From this page you can manage or delete (unsubscribe) your subscriptions.

Who are the Apple Developer Forums personnel?

Apple Moderators - Apple Employees who focus on ensuring a productive environment for technical discussions. Apple Moderators have the authority to edit, delete, and branch posts, and may intervene if a discussion has gone off-topic or become counterproductive.

Apple Employees - Members of Apple engineering or technical support who participate in technical discussions. Apple Employees may offer useful advice in their areas of expertise, but should not be considered spokespeople or enforcers of Forums policy.

Important: Employees of Apple Inc. ("Apple") may respond to issues within this forum. Apple is under no duty to provide a response to an issue, or to do so in a timely manner. If Apple responds to an issue, it is Apple's intent that the information provided is accurate and reliable. ACCORDINGLY, APPLE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY IT UNDER THIS FORUM, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. Apple may provide information that is relevant to an international issue, which may contain references or cross references to Apple products, programs, and services that are not announced in your country. Such reference does not imply that Apple intends to announce such products, programs, or services in your country.

What are the Apple Developer Forums Usage Guidelines?

The Apple Developer Forums Usage Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Avoid posts regarding unpublished or private APIs, or information regarding practices that violate the terms of the iPhone SDK Agreement.
  2. The Apple Developer Forums should not be used for non-development related questions. Continue to exclusively use the resources below:
    • Developer Program membership or status.

      Contact us for assistance with Apple Developer Program questions.
    • App Store submission status.

      Contact iTunes Connect for assistance with App Store submissions.
    • General Apple product feedback.

      Use the appropriate selection at or submit a bug report or feature request at
    • General Apple product support.

      Visit for assistance with Apple Products.
  3. Respect your fellow developer’s time by staying focused on the technical aspects of developing software for the iPhone and Mac. Only post constructive comments and questions. Posts should always be either a technical question or a technical answer. Unless otherwise noted, do not post about nontechnical topics, including:
    • Speculation or rumors about unannounced Apple products.
    • Apple policies or procedures.
    • Industry news or gossip.
    • Job opportunities.
    • Polls, petitions or links to same.
    • Advertising, selling or marketing products or services to others.
  4. There are many topic areas for discussion. Only post questions or answers that are relevant to the applicable topic.
  5. Be polite. Everyone should feel comfortable reading or participating in the Apple Developer Forums. If you feel a post is inappropriate, please use the ”Report Abuse” link found on each post. Do not post or encourage flames, rants, tirades, taunts or other inappropriate statements. Do not post material or links that in Apple's reasonable judgement may be found objectionable by other forum participants.
  6. Inappropriate or offensive screen names, or screen names containing website references, email addresses, or other contact information may be moderated.
  7. Always keep within the Law.
    • No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act or to violate any Apple agreement.
    • Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ”work around” digital rights management software or hardware.
    • Do not submit software or descriptions of alternative methods of developing software or hardware for the iPhone that breaks or otherwise ”works around” the iOS SDK.
    • Do not attempt to impersonate another user, person or entity.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in Apple removing or editing your post. Apple may also notify you that your post has been deleted or edited. Apple may also post moderator comments explaining the guideline violation. Serious or repeated failure to abide by these guidelines may result in temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to participate in the Apple Developer Forums or termination of your registration as an Apple Developer.

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