Safari Developer Program

Get the tools and resources to create extensions that enhance and customize Safari. You can add buttons to the Safari toolbar, create extension bars of your own, modify the behavior and appearance of webpages, and more — all with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

Start developing Safari extensions today.

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The Safari Developer Program includes all the resources you need to create and sign Safari extensions.

Safari extensions. Standards-based and secure.

  • Safari Dev Center Resources

    The Safari Dev Center provides a range of technical resources including programming and conversion guides, and sample code to assist you with creating Safari extensions.

  • Apple Developer Forums

    Join the Apple Developer Forums to post Safari extension and web development questions for open discussion with other developers and Apple engineers.

  • Signed Safari Extensions

    The Safari Developer Program provides you with the tools to create a digital certificate for your extensions. This certificate allows your extensions to be installed on Safari, protects them from tampering, and ensures that your extension can only be updated by you.

  • Distributing Your Safari Extensions

    Safari extensions are easy to distribute. Users can download extensions that are hosted from your website. In addition, you can submit your extensions to be considered for the Safari Extensions Gallery.

  • Easy to Develop

    Safari extensions are built with standard web technologies — HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. So if you can develop for the web, you'll feel right at home writing extensions for Safari.

  • Secure and Stable

    Safari extensions are sandboxed and don't have access to information on a user's system. Built with standard web technologies, Safari extensions execute right in the browser, reducing the chance of an extension causing crashes or instability.

  • Built-in Developer Tools

    Safari simplifies development with the Extension Builder. Incorporated into the browser, the Extension Builder streamlines the process of adding data, installing, and packaging your extension.


Submit Your Extension

Safari Developer Program members can submit extensions to be considered for the Safari Extensions Gallery.

Safari Extensions Gallery

Safari Extensions Gallery

Visit the Gallery to see a listing of featured extensions for Safari.