MFi Program

Participate in the MFi licensing program to develop electronic accessories that connect to iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Licensed developers gain access to technical documentation, hardware components, technical support and certification logos.

MFi Logos

MFi Logos

The Made for iPod, Made for iPhone, and Made for iPad logos mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.

Made for iPod

Technical Documentation and Hardware Components

Developers receive technical specifications describing the iPod Accessory protocol, the communication protocol used to interact with iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Developers also gain access to the hardware connectors and components that are required to manufacture iPod, iPhone, and iPad accessories.

Made for iPod

Technical Support and Compatibility

Developers have access to Developer Technical Support and Compatibility Labs to assist in product development and testing.

Program Benefits

  • Technical Information
  • Hardware connectors and components
  • Testing Tools
  • Technical Support
  • Product Certification
  • MFi Logos
  • iPod, iPhone, and iPad compatibility icons
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