Support Center

iAd for Developers

What is iAd for Developers?

iAd for Developers enables you to purchase iAd advertising to promote your app to millions of users across the iAd Network. With iAd for Developers, users can download advertised apps from the App Store without leaving the app they're in.

Can I exclude competitor ads from appearing in my app?

The iAd Network allows you to exclude ads from competitors or other unwanted advertisers based on specific keywords, URLs, and application Apple IDs.

Can I advertise my other apps within my application?

If you are serving ads in your apps from the iAd Network, you have the option to exclude certain advertisers from your application, however you do not have the option of choosing specific advertising to appear in your apps, this includes iAd for Developers.

Can I specify which applications or application categories my ads are served in?

iAd will optimize your campaign to ensure the right audience is viewing and interacting with your ads.

What does it cost to advertise with iAd for Developers?

For information about advertising with iAd for Developers please contact us.

How do I create my ad for iAd for Developers?

For information about advertising with iAd for Developers please contact us.

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