Science, Technology and Energy

Best Ideas

  1. Negative research findings database
  2. Scientists are beyond the control of dictators
  3. A moratorium on releasing genetically-engineered organisms
  4. Free speech leads to technological progress
  5. One country to specialise in supporting inventors
  6. Inventing your own constellations
  7. A fractal universe
  8. A decade of energy turbulence
  9. Motors running for months without electricity
  10. Solar Enterprise Zone (SEZ)
  11. A London forest for heat and electricity
  12. The world's only water-powered Aga
  13. Wheat-burning stove
  14. Technology in 25 years' time
  15. Dismantling skyscrapers and automobiles
  16. Energy-generating treadmills for dogs

Social Inventions

  1. The joy of inventing
  2. Patents are a rip-off
  3. Answerphone messages on technological malfunctions
  4. Tobacco as fuel and as food
  5. Save mines with cheap coal purification?
  6. The brain is not a computer
  7. Intelligence at the end of the universe
  8. Burning CO2 to save the planet

Book of Visions

  1. True conservatism
  2. Machines on a moral spectrum
  3. Hippocratic Oath for Scientists
  4. UN Declaration of Scientific Responsibility in Relation to Nuclear Weaponry
  5. Reward the invention, not the feasibility study
  6. Necessity not the mother of invention
  7. Psychedelics caused evolution from apes?
  8. A twentieth century Mendel?
  9. Ecotechnology Research
  10. Rebates to customers reducing electricity consumption
  11. Energy loans
  12. Fluorescent lamps changed free of charge
  13. Less towel washing in hotels
  14. Muscle power into electricity
  15. Science Fiction - can it work?
  16. Can life survive the end of the universe?

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