Energy loans

Guy Dauncey

Adapted extract from a booklet of ideas by Guy Dauncey.

Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide is a financial problem: how can we persuade households and businesses to make the necessary investments in energy-efficient technologies? A Four-Way Energy Loan arrangement could make the difference:

(1) Retailers sell energy-saving appliances and equipment with 100% loan arrangements covering purchase and installation;

(2) A bank or credit union advances the loans to the retailer;

(3) Consumers pay their power bills at higher, pegged 'pre-efficient' levels;

(4) The utility uses the energy-saving difference to repay the loans.

'Consumers pay their power bills at higher, pegged 'pre-efficient' levels; the energy-saving difference repaying the loans'

In this way, consumers could walk into a shop and walk out with new energy-saving equipment without paying a penny. When the loans were repaid, power bills would fall to their new low levels, and stay there.

Booklet available from Guy Dauncey, 2069 Kings Road, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8R 2P6 (tel 604 592 4472 h; 592 4473 w, tel and fax).

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