True conservatism

Neil Postman

If anyone should ask: What improves the human spirit? What improves the quality of life? Americans are apt to offer a simple formulation: That which is new is better, that which is newest is best.

The cure for such a stupid philosophy is conservatism. A capitalist cannot afford the pleasure of conservatism, and of necessity regards tradition as an obstacle to be overcome. How the idea originated that capitalists are conservative is something of a mystery to me.

'The aim of the genuine conservative in a technological age is to control the fury of technology, to make it behave itself, to insist that it accommodate itself to the will and temperament of the people'

A true conservative, like myself, knows that technology always fosters radical social change. The aim of the genuine conservative in a technological age is to control the fury of technology, to make it behave itself, to insist that it accommodate itself to the will and temperament of the people.

From the book 'Conscientious Objections' by Neil Postman (Alfred Knopf & Co, 1988) reprinted in Utne Reader (Lens Publishing Co, 1624 Harmon Place, Suite 330, MN 55403, USA, tel 612 338 5040. Subs. $28).

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