The Weaver

Issue No 5 June,1995

Picture By: Sergeo Navarro

The Raven is a wordy bird............

Poem 'The RavensÆ by: Margot Henderson

We have many words this month. They weave a story of our need for compassion, for ourselves and our fellow humans, in communities, for all the creatures of the universe, and for Mother Earth herself.

This MonthÆs Special Features

The Sikh religionÆs view of Death - a sensitive description. Accepting GodÆs will and our Karma in a positive way

Project Jonah - The Story of the Whale Strandings at Farewell Spit, New Zealand - we introduce our æ Looking after the WorldÆ series in the ChildrenÆs section

Tibetan Divination - fascinating ways to help us make decisions in our lives while following our destiny.

The Fogou makes a Re-appearance - following the story of this ancient sacred place in Cornwall.

We have more fromThe Dalai Lama writing on compassion. Val Randle writes on Recovered Memories and what these mean to us, are they real or imagined. Ayesha Foot shares her experience of Sacred Dances for Peace. Some advice on what to look for in a Counsellor . An explanation of the art of being a chiropractor by Clive and Shanee Taylor. Review of Hyemeyohst StormÆs æLightning BoltÆ. Jude Brown reviews 'The Heavenly Scent Exhibition'

For a Complete List of Contents in this Issue

ChildrenÆs Section - New This Month- For children of all ages.... including you!! Click on the Blue Bits.

For Children

The Poet tree - one, we hope, with your help will grow and grow and grow. The Tale of Two Dragons with a mythological tail. Writing a letter to Granny and our æLooking after the WorldÆ story of Project Jonah ....saving the Whales at Farewell Spit in New Zealand. Journey to the South - the Place of the Child on the Native American Medicine Wheel. (next month we will Journey to the West)

Our Regular Columnists

Clare Crombie's Diary - New this month but a regular feature from now on.More Thoughts from Peter Russellhe continues to keep our minds alive with ideas on Consciousness . This month we have MasteryÆ - Joseph OÆConnor gives us more valuable instruction in Neuro Linguistic Programming, a self help tool towards self empowerment and excellence.



Readers' Letters

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