The Poet Tree

Margot Henderson

Click here for a full size picture 33k and The Journey to the South

Did you see the Poetry Tree at the International Poetry Festival æ94 at the South Bank, London,UK

The trees in the picture have their poetry in the bluebells all around them. Did you get to see any bluebells this month? They were wonderful.

Why not make your own poetry tree at home. Make some leaves from coloured paper and write a poem on each one, draw or make the shape of a tree then stick or tye them on. You will have your very own poetry tree. If you want to send us a wee poem fill in the reply form which you will find when you scroll down and we will choose one for next monthÆs magazine.

You can tell it's a Poetry Tree.........because it's got poems on it

You can tell it has roots............because it has maps all over it

You can tell it's international.........because it has worlds inside it

You can tell it's alive because it has wires on a telephone can make calls on it

You can tell it's real because it does....everytime someone puts a poem on it

This was the tree at the festival and it grew and grew

Help us to make our very own Internet Poetry Tree by sending us your poems.

It makes me wonder.....would all trees grow.......if you told poems to them

Listen to the whispers in the falling of the leaves

Remember , remember............remember the leaves

It's no joke said the oak........don't leave me alone

Write me a leaves are all gone........sing me a song

It makes me wonder roots feel.........being under the ground

can they feel........our every sound

Do trees grieve when they lose their leaves

Do they feel rotten....when they are forgotten

So please........So remember the trees.........even when their sleeping

If you do

The Willow will stop weeping......and the Holly will be jolly

and the Oak might branch out......and tell a joke

So when winter comes strip the trees of leaves

and wraps us in her cloak

Remember, remember.............remember the trees

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