Journey to the South

Picture by Val Randle

In Native American tradition and their Medicine Wheel teachings the South is the place of the child.

The South is also where the plants are our teachers. The plants give freely of their beauty and abundance. Help to feed us with their fruits and seeds. Yes the South is the place of giving and of the trust and innocence of the child and reflects the gentle nature of plants. If we take care of the plants and trees on this planet we will be able to wonder at the richness and beauty they provide as they create a robe of colour and magic for Mother Earth

Here also we have the power of the waters of the earth, the gentle(well sometimes) rain that nurtures the plants and seeds, that joins forces with the fiery sun to create life and renewal. We have rivers in abundance, they need to be cared for and kept clean so the fish and other water animals can live. The playful otters delight us with their joy and remind us of the innocence of children at play. Then there is the mighty ocean and all that live in her, the rainbow fish , the dolphins ,whales ,and oh! we mustnÆt forget the octupus with their sensitive feelers,they all want to be mentioned! The dolphins teach us of joy, the whales of compassion and the octopus of sensitivity. All the swimmers teach us how to flow, watch the rivers as they flow round all obstacles and learn from that. Can you feel the power in the sea, watch the spray as it joins the rocks, see the rainbow colours of the surf against the sun?.....what magic

The Moon is here in the South also, the source of womanly power, the feminine mysteries. The moon joins with the waters and gives us reflection on reflection as we gaze into the still pool. The mystery of life itself. The tides of the mighty oceans are governed by the pull of the moon , whose light comes from the sun, all part of the interlinking and dependancy we have with all things.

Here is music indeed, the language that knows no barriers, the greatest communicator, music too is in this direction of the wheel. All things have a song , the wind sings to us, so too the whispering leaves, the sound of the sea, the song of the whale. Listen carefully find your song and your giveaway and let us sing together.

Alex Campbell/ Oceania

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