Readers Letters - May and June 1995

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The Weaver - Copyright 1995 The International Communique Ltd. All rights reserved


From: kjkeller Subject: Re: weaver may Alex, I really do thoroughly enjoy the variety of text available within Weaver--especially thrilled to see the Dalai Lama's notes; also I found Claire Crombie's notes rather good. I work with taumatized teens(runaways) as volunteer and this reminder from her this month helped with a young woman from Nebraska I was working with--I appreciate what you do...please keep on doing it! all the best!

From: Kathryn Barile

Subject: Re: Thirteen Significance of the #13 Thirteen moons in a year, always. The number gained particular significance when it fell on Friday (Freya's day) a Goddess whose oneness was broken into many aspects to diminish her power. She was "reduced" to a Goddess of Love, (sexuality and feminine wiles) making her especially vile to those of the Christian tradition. Linking her old form of moon goddess creation goddess to the number 13 made Friday the 13th especially unlucky.

From: Sean Lee Subject: The Power of Compassion In the article "Power of Compassion"

Q: On pollution and on the end of the universe - Your Holiness, what is your answer on how to stop pollution in the universe? Will there have to be an end of the universe and mankind as we know them in order to cleanse and begin again?

A: Of course, from the Buddhist viewpoint, not just from that of common sense, there is a beginning and there is an end. That is logical; that is law; that is nature

. So whatever we call the Big Bang or such things, there is a process of evolution or a pro cess of beginning. So there must be an end. In any case I think the end won't come for several million years.

I would like to say that the comment borrowed from Buddhism is quite confusing. According to Buddhism, there is an end to our current universe, BUT there is NO END NOR BEGINNING of time & amp space & amp souls. And in general, Buddhism is characterized by the latter interesting statement, not by the previous obvious statement.

Sean Lee

Information Seeking


I am doing research on ABRAXAS, the occult, Gnostic, name of GOD. Any help including text, photos of Abraxas amulets, or book and article recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

From: Jorge Nischli

I would like some information about Autogenic Training,

Maybe you can help me

Thank you


From: Waldo

I have lightly scanned this publication and the most striking feature is its focus on "the net". The use of the "net" rather than its effect is what interest me. If anyone out there knows or wants to know about how the practices of religious people thru the institution of their religious settlement can or has changed the physical content of a urban low-income reality.

Please contact

From: Timothy Peterson

What a great find! My hats off to you folks. please E-Mail me on any new issues or developments. Thank You

Yana Murphy

From: Yana Murphy

I've just 'stumbled' upon THE WEAVER and look forward to future editions. I would be happy to contribute in the near future.


Yana Murphy

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd