Poetry at the Weaver -Ravens


Margot Henderson

The Raven is a wordy bird..........they say it is the poetÆs bird..........in other words the Raven is the Bird of Bards because it's got.................more words than other birds

One of the RavenÆs words is æquarkÆ...........the Germans have a word for æquarkÆ

They call it creamy cheese.............well really please

Whoever heard of Ravens...........calling æcheeseÆ

ThatÆs not the only word for æquarkÆ........because New Scientists searching.........in the dark

for the very smallest thing.....in the entire universe..............from which all things begin

even smaller than............the smallest atom...........youÆll never guess........what they hit on

yes youÆve guessed it.............Æthey found quarksÆ

the smallest particles...........the primal sparks..............could it be that weÆll hear soon

that the earth is made of cheese.................. just like the moon

You know it only goes to show..................that scientists are very slow

for storytellers long ago.........said Raven was the stealer of the sun........and from his beak all life begun

with such a trickster for creator...............weÆre bound to have some fun

our story isnÆt over yet.............so back to RavenÆs alphabet

Another Raven word is æarkÆ......like the one that Noah sailed

in the great flood............when it had stopped raining.....and things were turning into mud

Noah started looking........for somewhere to park the ark.............he sent the Raven out

to look for land.....Æyou have to make them understand........we need somewhere to park

so if they ask you just say æarkÆ............was all that Noah said.....theRaven simply cocked his head then off he flew.........so he could get a decent view

When he saw what looked like food....he forgot about a parking place

you see Ravens arenÆt much good............at being good.............but they have got lots of taste

so when they see what looks like food.....they never let it go to waste

He flew back to Noah....with his dinner in his beak......his mouth being full.....he couldnÆt speak

when Noah saw him he said...Æof all the cheekÆ..... then.... æOh never mind IÆll send the dove... just enjoy your dinner love.

As usual Raven landed on his feet ........when the animals on board.....began to smell the meat....

they began to howl and bark..........the Raven just burped loudly........and said æarkÆ

Another Raven word is æcowÆ.........which sounds just like a great guffaw

a loud laugh or even two..........for Raven is a trickster too....heÆs always making fun of you

a bit like poets sometimes do...........for not every tale they tell is true

So Ravens have a place in history........they are the keepers of the mystery

keeping secrets isnÆt easy........when you have such a big beak.....so its hard for Raven not to speak

They spoke to Odin....while he hung upon the Tree

They spoke to Ogma......and the secret's safe with me

I know what keeping a secret means..........so I would never tell.......how Raven spilt the beans

and taught the first poets how to spell......using the runic and ogham ABC....yes the secret's safe with me

There is much about the Raven.....we have still to understand

since the days of Old King Bran.....the Raven has been keeper of this land

even though their wings are clipped.........and they are not free to fly

Ravens are still full of tricks....to play on you and I

withRavens things are never as they seem.....as they balance earth and sky

who knows the Ravens may yet........bring to life this countryÆs dream

the thought is worth a try for thereÆs no end to RavenÆs alphabet

and thereÆs mischief in his eye.

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