The Scent of Things To Come

By: Jude Brown

As any fine tuned nose will tell you, - smell you?- visiting the sensory displays of the Heavenly Scent Exhibition at the Royal College of Art in April 1995 was more than an olfactory delight to savour. The highly entertaining and experimental display was an effulgence of visual, audio and olfactory stimuli that served as a beacon for those who have visions of a more interactive society to come.

The exhibition focused on the world of perfume more than the holistic use of aromatics in aromatherapy, however the event was of interest to those who have a scientific appreciation in the art of aromatics. Organised by the perfume fraternity of Europe, the ComteÆ Francais Du Parfum, the intent of the exhibition is to æbuild awareness of the historical, cultural and artistic dimensions of perfumeÆ.

As an art, the skilful blending of aromas requires an understanding that is both aesthetic and scientific in application, as was demonstrated by the interactive displays which provided the visitor the opportunity to decipher odour notes. There are plenty of visual delights in the photography site by renown artists such as Sara Moon.

A host of guest speakers are available to give further insight to the multifaceted and multidimensional appreciation of this ancient art. They include the Director of the Warwick Olfaction Research Group, Steven Van Toller, a pioneer in olfactory research, who gave an informative session on fragrance affecting human behaviour.

Technological advances in the past twenty years have allowed for the art and science of aromatherapy to be brought from the midst of superstition into the latter part of this century, and the next, for use by the modern person. We can now validate the "old wives' tales" of treating aliments or imbalances - be they emotional, mental or physical - with science, which determines that not only do aromatics, ranging from incense and essential oils to food, affect our behaviour but they consequently have a direct influence on our perception of events and surroundings.

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