æLightning BoltÆ by: Hyemeyohsts Storm

Reviewed by Alex Campbell

æLightning BoltÆ is an autobiographical tale of a Metis ( mixed blood),a breed, who was chosen by Estcheemah to receive the ancient wisdom of the Zero Chiefs. The young Lightning Bolt became her apprentice and this is the story of his personal journey . Her choice had been made but would he endure? Much of the information was that which was taught in the many temple schools of the Americas and passed down through the Zero Chiefs and the Flower Soldiers. The teachings of the Medicine Wheels weave through the life of Lightning Bolt, there are also sections devoted entirely to the teachings, making this book not only a æ good readÆ but a valuable resource as well.

Having read æ Song of HeyoehkahÆ some years ago I was delighted to learn that Estcheemah was the daughter born to Rainbow and Dancing Tree. I had been sorry to leave them at the end of that book, they had reached into my heart. Now Estcheemah is a Medicine Woman of great wisdom, teaching her apprentices the knowledge æthat goes back beyond the Maya and the Ancient Circle of Law, the first form of democracy ever created by humansÆ.

We follow the struggle of a young man born out of time, being raised to be a warrior, desperately wanting to fulfill that destiny, feeling the pain of rejection yet finally finding a deeper meaning to this concept and becoming a true warrior of the spirit. We feel all the hidden pain of a man in todayÆs society. Many times his anger holds him back from seeing. As a half breed , walking between cultures, seeing the continuing destruction of a people through alcoholism and poverty, he has plenty to be angry about. He writes of the sadness of the people, how this is often expressed in anger and apathy leading to drunkenness in the reservations.

He meets shadow after shadow, sometimes with impatience. Yet, as he fights these lonely battles with himself there are moments of sheer beauty when he describes his relationship with the land and his love of Montana. The book is full of illustrations, delighting the eye and providing joy to the reader. You get the feeling that he is trying to share something he canÆt quite put into words and uses the illustrations as another language full of symbolism.

We are introduced to Liberty, a young woman apprentice, they work together with Estcheemah. He learns from her of feminine values and they share many ceremonies together. Feminine power is very evident throughout the book, and Lightning Bolt through his interaction with Liberty and his love and deep respect for his teacher shows us that it is possible for men and women to be equal partners in this world.

There are so many layers in this book that I feel I have just unpeeled the first one, my copy is already beginning to look well thumbed, I shall return to it many times and know that each time I will learn something more. With sadness we part from Estcheemah through old age at the end of the book. I would have liked her for my teacher and know that through the pages of this book her wisdom will continue to reach out to those willing to learn.

As she says æFlower soldiers are like clouds in the sky. We appear and disappear. Never seek to have people understand you . How is it possible to understand a cloudÆ.

Another quote, this time from Old Goose Flying (Lightning Bolt's first teacher). æAll true power begins when we have imagination. But when we have no appreciation for life what use is imaginationÆ

Estcheemah on imagination and how to use it:

æI imagine that men and women are equalÆ........I imagine that life is challenge and giving - otherwise I would not be experiencing the presence of Life and Her Balance.Æ

æI imagine that sex is natural - and can be beautiful.......I imagine that all humans are born to Life to learn and growÆ

æI imagine that I can live my life and question my own experience and my existenceÆ.

æI imagine that I can help change the conditions of my world and personal circumstancesÆ.

æI imagine that I can listen to Creation directly and that I need no interpreterÆ.

æI imagine that I can be myself even in those times when I am pained by othersÆ.

æI imagine that I am my own authority and my own teacherÆ.

æI imagine that I can be a kind teacher to myselfÆ.

æI imagine that I am a self responsible human who will teach others to care for our sacred Mother EarthÆ.

Hyemeyohsts Storm or Lightning Bolt at one point in his journey decided to become a writer, Estcheemah knew what she was about for through these pages her people and their teachings remain alive and accessible

Alex Campbell

æLightning BoltÆ By: Hyemeyohsts Storm A One World Book, Ballantyne Books, New York

ISBN 0-345-36710-3

By the Same Author æSong of HeyoehkahÆ and æSeven ArrowsÆ

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd