Dances of Universal Peace

by: Ayesha Foot

"Words are not peace.

Thoughts are not peace.

Plans are not peace.

Peace is fundamental to all faiths,

all religions, all spirituality."

Samuel L. Lewis (1896-1971)

From the beginning of time sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation. The Dances of Universal Peace are part of this timeless tradition of sacred dance.

The Dances are a joyous, multi-cultural way to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. They use sacred phrases, chants, music and movement from the many traditions of the earth to promote peace and integration within individuals and groups. There are no performers or audience: new arrivals and old hands form the circle together. They bring benefits in therapeutic and educational settings and are used in citizen diplomacy.

The Dances of Universal Peace were brought together in this form by Samuel L. Lewis, an American Sufi teacher who taught and studied deeply in the traditions of Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism. He was also greatly concerned with global understanding, agricultural exchange, and environmental preservation.

His peace plan was simple: "Eat, dance and pray together!" The Dances are simple, direct and accessible. Dancers join hands to dance in a circle while singing sacred phrases from many world cultures and traditions. Each dance is easily learned; within ten minutes people are moving, singing, sharing together.

For larger picture of The Dance Group(47k) click on picture

Participation, not presentation is our focus. Anyone and everyone can dance - all ages, all nationalities, all traditions, all dance levels. No previous experience is necessary. All are welcome. The movements and songs drawn from over 400 Dances include the themes of peace, both inner and outer, healing the earth, individuals and the global family. Dancers focus their movement and voices on peace and harmony,creating a sense of solidarity and community while celebrating the underlying unity of all the spiritual traditions of the earth. Dancers thus experience many traditions, giving a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures as well as of their own heritage.

For larger picture of dancers(49k) click on picture

The mood of the Dances is infinitely variable, evoking feeling of joy, love, compassion and communion. Whether invoking the compassion of the Buddhist Qwan Yin or celebrating the playful energy of Krishna the group moves together. Dancers take part in a dynamic relationship between individuals and the group,sometimes in a circle, sometimes facing each other in pairs, creating a sense of unity which is palpable. After sharing an hour or two in a circle led by trained leaders, each person has experienced friendship and peace, beyond words, with people they may have never seen before and may never see again. It is a peace that surpasses understanding and a way to change the world from the inside out, one gathering, one person, one life at a time. The experience of peace remains and travels home to families and neighbourhoods, businesses and board meetings.

Therapeutic uses of the Dances



Citizen Diplomacy

Information and events listings from :

The British Network for the Dances of Universal Peace, 45 The Roman Way, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8AB. Tel: 0145 883 2247

International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace, 444 NE Ravenna Blvd, Suite 306, Seattle, WA 98115. Tel: (206) 522 4353

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd