- T H E - I N T E R N E T - E X P E R T S -


On this page we will supply help and information for all aspects of ArgoNet and Voyager use; from keeping you up-to-date on changes to the ArgoNet service to helping with web page construction. Why not use the bookmark facility on the web browser so you can keep coming straight back to this page?


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Newsgroups and Messages · Contacting ArgoNet
Upgrades and Programs · Web Pages
Links back to the Other Pages


Newsgroups and Messages:

Although copies of the more important messages will be kept here, users should already be aware that there are two newsgroups to carry the bulk of this type of information already.

The two newsgroups are:

A list of other active newsgroups can be found in the following place:

   Active.arc   108 Kbytes Feb  1st 1996 (active newsgroup file)
And just in case you wish to keep prying eyes away from certain unsavoury places on the Internet you may wish to produce a "filter" file, which will stop the Voyager software connecting to places you deem unsuitable. ArgoNet have produced such a file which already has quite a few newsgroups, WWW and FTP sites listed.

   Filter_1.arc   9 Kbytes Mar 15th 1996 (Voyager filter files)
Here's a list of important ArgoNet-related newsgroup and email messages that you may have missed, or wish to refer back to:

   MSGg05.html  3001  bytes Apr 23rd 1996 (Get Voyager 1.05)
   960404.html     8 Kbytes Apr  5th 1996 (Easter Bulletin)
   MSGwsw.html  3214  bytes Mar 27th 1996 (Web page uploads working)
   MSGnga.html  2560  bytes Mar  4th 1996 (Netiquette guide available)
   MSGmma.html  3667  bytes Mar  2nd 1996 (Multiple mail addresses)
   MSGg04.html     8 Kbytes Mar  2nd 1996 (Get Voyager 1.04)
   MSGnng.html  3372  bytes Feb 29th 1996 (New newsgroups)
   960214.html     5 Kbytes Feb 14th 1996 (February Bulletin)
   960129.html     5 Kbytes Jan 29th 1996 (January Bulletin)


Contacting ArgoNet:

ArgoNet offer full support to all of its users, including email addresses and a freephone telephone number; here's a list of the most relevant email addresses:

You can 'phone the free enquiries line on 0500 585 586 or write to the freepost address (no stamp required):

    PO20 6YY

Finally, if you have any bugs to report or suggestions to make, you can try our experimental bug report form and suggestions form.



As of v.1·04 of the Voyager software upgrades can be handled automatically via "auto-upgrade", where the software will see that a new version has been released and will ask for permission to fetch it from the FTP site for you. However, if you do not wish to use this feature, or if you need any of the previous upgrades, below is a list of those currently available:

   Vgr104-105.arc 108 Kbytes Apr 23 1996

   Vgr103-104.arc 932 Kbytes Mar  1 1996
   Vgr103d.arc    148 Kbytes Dec 21 1995
   Vgr103c.arc    119 Kbytes Dec 15 1995
   SmallFix.txt   206  bytes Dec 19 1995
   SmallFix.arc    16 Kbytes Dec 19 1995  
   Vgr102-103.arc 502 Kbytes Dec 13 1995
   Vgr101-103.arc 691 Kbytes Dec 13 1995 
   Upgrade1.arc    63 Kbytes Dec 13 1995 

Third Party Software:

Increasingly a number of third-party "upgrades" and enhancements are appearing, the best of which we will try to include here. Note that ArgoNet cannot offer any support for the new features added by software authors not working for the company, but feel that the work of people such as Robin Abecasis ( is of a sufficiently high standard to be given an airing here. Also included are a number of public domain (PD) utilities that may be of interest to ArgoNet users.

Due to the fact that some users have ignored the above disclaimer and have been inundating ArgoNet with requests for support for software which has nothing to do with them, the third party software links have been moved to a seperate page. Please, please will you read the acommpanying text on this new page, and if you have any problems contact the authors, not Argonet.

If you have a utility that you think will be of interest to ArgoNet users, or think that some killer PD application should have a mention in this section, then please feel free to email the web page designer.

Click here to link to the third party software page.


Web Pages:

With every ArgoNet user entitled to half a megabyte of web space, there's going to be quite a few people out there wanting to find out more about creating their own web pages. Below is a collection of links and utilities that might be of help.

A list of ArgoNet users' pages is kept at, although you are only added to this list if you want to be. It lists areas in sections for both private and company usage. If you want to register your page, or just have a favourite site you want to tell people about, then email the webwebmaster.

But first, if you haven't already done so you'll need a copy of the WebPack software which enables your pages to be uploaded to the ArgoNet FTP site and from there automatically placed in your web page directory. As the WebPack software is liable to change, instead of linking to a specific file you can click here to open the ArgoNet FTP site's WWW directory.

Useful links:

Learning the HTML language is fairly simple, as you will probably only need to learn a handful of commands to be able to get your pages up and running. You should have been provided with at least the basics of learning the language with the WebPack package, and for the brave it may just be a simple matter of finding pages they like the look of and tearing them to pieces to see how they tick. However, if you want a complete list of commands, or if you want to learn the difference between what's good and what's bad, then here's a few starting points:

  • Netscape assistance - let's face it, they quite literally wrote the book when it comes to some of the more recent HTML commands, and they have the documentation to prove it!
  • Hypernews HTML section - enough links to keep you going for quite some time, on many subjects relating to the HTML language.
  • HTML Elements - one of the most comprehensive lists of HTML commands to be found on the 'net.
  • Internet Information Center - Everything you'll ever need to know about the Internet, including history, glossary and starting points, written by someone who was always being pestered by his friends to tell what he knew about the 'net!

You might also want to start a collection of useful software to aid you in your attempts at web page creation. Again, due to the fact that some users have ignored the disclaimers and have been inundating ArgoNet with requests for support for software which has nothing to do with them, the third party software links have been moved to a seperate page.

Click here to link to the third party software page.


Links to the Other Pages:



© 1996 Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd.
Page design by Richard Goodwin.