- T H E - I N T E R N E T - E X P E R T S -

About the Company

Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd., or ArgoNet for short, was founded in July 1995 with the aim of bringing an affordable, easy-to-use Internet solution to the Acorn community. Drawing on the experience and technical know-how of sister companies VTi and the popular games house Eclipse, ArgoNet offers a complete Internet solution, with pre-configured software, hardware, accounts and support via email or a free telephone line.

Partnered by Internet giants U.S. Robotics (makers of the best-selling Sportster range of modems) and Unipalm Pipex (the company who brought the internet to Europe, and provide services to Barclaycard, Sainsbury's and H.M. Treasury), ArgoNet have insured that it has the power and quality to provide a first-rate service. Dial-up access can be done locally by 100% of the population of mainland UK, and has Unipalm Pipex's guarantee on Modem-to-User ratio.
Within the first few months of trading it became obvious that the ArgoNet staff were going to have their hands full just keeping up with the large numbers of subscribers eager to join the Internet. Hundreds rushed to take up special introductory offers within the first month or so of the system going on-line, and as word spread many more have followed suit. Originally the plan was to use a reasonably-sized server based in the main offices in Chichester, a Silicon Graphics system with 32MB of memory and 5GB of accessible storage. However, due to an unexpectedly large demand this was quickly replaced by a more powerful solution - a Sun SparcStation 20 with 64MB of memory and 12GB of internal storage space located at a new site in London. This allows it to link directly to a 2Mbit Internet backbone with the Silicon graphics system being used as a web server.

For details of prices and special offers see the All in One Solution page; for more information on the software and modems on offer take a look at the Voyager Software and Modems pages.


Mentioned in Dispatches

Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd. was pleased to be able to sponsor the Cyber Café at the recent Acorn World '95 show which took place at the Wembley Exhibition Centre between October 27th-29th. This was featured on BBC TV's Blue Peter on Friday 27th October 1995, and was linked live (¹) via the Internet to the Children's BBC Big Bash.

Blue Peter at the Cyber Café

(¹) Actually they filmed the Big Bash end on Thursday, and the Acorn World end on Friday, so in the shots where the two presenters were 'talking' to each other via the computers... they were fibbing! But visitors to the show could talk to each other live.


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© 1996 Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd.
Page design by Richard Goodwin.