- T H E - I N T E R N E T - E X P E R T S -

Message "New News Groups"

Posted: 29th Feb 1996
Source: Argo Technical Support
Tel   : 0500 585 586
Email :

Hello from Argo Technical

You will be pleased to hear that we can now announce two new news groups that have been specially created for our Argo customers.

They are :

The announce group is a moderated one and will contain bulletins on our Internet service and access software. In the future, we will be using this group instead of the blanket emails so we recommend subscribing to this one at a minimum. For the next two months though, we will be using email as well.

The 'argonet.acorn.voyager' group is not moderated and is for all Voyager users to use. We would encourage our users on 'alt.archimedes.bugs' and 'comp.sys.acorn.misc' to move to this group as soon as possible.

We'll read the newsgroups and may post the occasional answer to questions or clarification as well as watching out for good suggestions - however we will not censor it in any way. We look forward to seeing you there.

Our plans for the news service.....

As Version 1.04 will not fix all of the current news problems, we would like to announce our three-point plan to improve the overall news service.

  1. Add a new transport application that will lower the load on the server
  2. Move to the new PIPEX news server when it comes on line
  3. Re-structure the news program to make it much faster

We will announce the time scales for these changes shortly - however you can be assured that we are treating it as the most urgent task we are currently dealing with.

Argo Technical Support

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