- T H E - I N T E R N E T - E X P E R T S -

ArgoNet: An All-In-One Service

Connecting to the Internet has never been easier for Acorn users - ArgoNet offers a complete solution with a wide range of Internet services, full support and competitively priced accounts with offers on hardware.


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Features of an ArgoNet account

Fast 28.8K Modem and Account · Economical 14.4K Modem and Account
Account and Software Only · Fast Serial Card

Acclaim for the ArgoNet Service:
ArgoNet Users Comments



Features of an ArgoNet Account:

ArgoNet offers the best of both worlds - a sister company of major Acorn players VTi and Eclipse it knows the Acorn market and has developed a service specially tailored to the needs of the Acorn user, but draws upon the resources of partners Unipalm Pipex and U.S. Robotics, global players in the Internet market. So an account on the ArgoNet service offers peace of mind, because when you take an account with ArgoNet you get a complete service:
  • Support and enquiries free on 0500 585 586 or via email (ask Sales@ArgoNet.Co.UK for further information)
  • 'Plug and Play' - the Voyager software is tailored to suit your particular setup, so all you need to do is plug in the modem, load the software and you're all set!
  • Full coverage of all the popular Internet services, not just email as with some companies:
    • World Wide Web
    • Email
    • Newsgroups - over 10,000 groups including all the Acorn ones
    • FTP - for easy downloading and uploading of software
    • Telnet
    • plus future enhancements from both ArgoNet itself and by third party support via the VIX system
      (Voyager Internet eXtension modules)
  • Local dial-up access to 100% of the population
  • Special newsgroups, FTP areas and web sites especially for ArgoNet users
  • Free personal web space
  • Free software upgrades, which can be delivered and put in place automatically simply by logging on.
  • Free access for a month for every time someone joins as a result of your recommendation.
For prices on the fast 28.8K modem and account, economical 14.4K modem and account, or software and account only see the offers below. The cost per month is just £12.50 + VAT per month or you can choose to pay £135 + VAT for a year's access, saving a further £15 on the normal monthly rate. These prices include free upgrades to Voyager and access to free technical support via an 0500 number.

Every ArgoNet user gets half a megabyte of webspace free, for whatever purposes - text, images or sounds, for business or private use. This can be expanded for a small charge:

  • 0-500K FREE
  • 500K-2MBytes £10 per month
  • 2M-5M £20 per month
  • 5M-10M £40 per month
  • Above 10M, contact us for more details. Prices are ex-VAT.


Internet Offers

Offer 1: Fast 28.8K Modem and Account

If you want the fastest access to the Internet possible, then you need the 28.8k solution. The modem included in this pack runs at a blistering 28,800 bits per second, the fastest speed commonly used on the Internet today. The pack, which has a recommended retail price of over £350, contains:
  • A U.S. Robotics 'Sportster' 28.8k modem
  • Modem cable, 'phone splitter etc.
  • Pre-configured Voyager Internet suite
  • ArgoNet registration
  • Pre- and post sales support via a free 0500 number (or via email)
  • Free software upgrades
  • Courier dispatch
  • Up to 500k free WWW space
All this for just £249, that's including VAT and postage.

To place an order or to get more information you can 'phone the free enquiries number 0500 585 586, email Sales@ArgoNet.Co.UK, fill out the forms in Acorn User magazine or write to our freepost address (no stamp required):

    PO20 6YY

Offer 2: Economical 14.4K Modem and Account

If your budget is a little more modest, then our 14.4k solution is just for you. The modem runs at 14,400 bits per second, the most common speed for Internet users, and easily fast enough even for intense world wide web access. The pack, which has a recommended retail price of over £300, contains:
  • A U.S. Robotics 'Sportster' 14.k modem
  • Modem cable, 'phone splitter etc.
  • Pre-configured Voyager Internet suite
  • ArgoNet registration
  • Pre- and post sales support via a free 0500 number (or via email)
  • Free software upgrades
  • Courier dispatch
  • Up to 500k free WWW space
All this for just £189, that's including VAT and postage.

To place an order or to get more information you can 'phone the free enquiries number 0500 585 586, email Sales@ArgoNet.Co.UK, fill out the forms in Acorn User magazine or write to our freepost address (no stamp required):

    PO20 6YY

Offer 3: Software and Account Only

If you already own a modem, then all you need to take advantage of our low-cost Internet service is the subscription to the Argo online service. This pack will work with all U.S. Robotics and Hayes-compatible modems. If in doubt, ring pre-sales support free on 0500 585 586. The pack contains:
  • Pre-configured Voyager Internet suite
  • ArgoNet registration
  • Pre- and post sales support via a free 0500 number (or via email)
  • Free software upgrades
  • Up to 500k free WWW space
All this for just £59, that's including VAT and postage.

To place an order or to get more information you can 'phone the free enquiries number 0500 585 586, email Sales@ArgoNet.Co.UK, fill out the forms in Acorn User magazine or write to our freepost address (no stamp required):

    PO20 6YY

Offer 4: Fast Serial Card

On pre-Risc PC machines limitations in the computer's hardware means that it may not be possible to run your modem at the fastest possible speed. However, you can now purchase fast serial cards which will run a 28.8k modem at the full rate on the Archimedes range. The price of this upgrade is just £79, that's including VAT and postage.

To place an order or to get more information you can 'phone the free enquiries number 0500 585 586, email Sales@ArgoNet.Co.UK, fill out the forms in Acorn User magazine or write to our freepost address (no stamp required):

    PO20 6YY


Acclaim for the ArgoNet Service

Customer praise:

ArgoNet has aimed to make joining the Internet as easy and enjoyable as possible. But don't just take our word for it - take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have had to say for themselves on the Acorn newsgroups:

"The service from Voyager and ArgoNet, as far as I am concerned, has been excellent. I find it hard to believe that from opening the modem package and software to being up and running in under 10 mins is truly amazing."
Keith Walker

"Thanks fellows: I hope the rest of the community sees this too... I think VTi have found a very worthy niche to fill, and done it with considerable panache... a superb performance.
Dr Alan Gray

"Quick, reliable and effective! ...I wish all companies were as friendly, helpful and attentive to its customers as Argo are."
Keith Parker

"...the software is simplicity itself to use and the staff at ArgoNet deserve a medal for their customer care over the telephone. I echo what many other users say - I wish all software and hardware developers were as friendly and approachable."
Dave Reardon

"I have found (the Argo staff) very helpful and friendly on the supportline - something that users of other internet software would envy... I am very pleased with it."
Ray Dawson

"IMHO, ArgoNet have done a great job."
(Of the testing offer):
"It gives us the opportunity to have our own requirements built in to the software, and what other software vendor gives us that?"

Richard Travers

"I think it’s very good."
Martin Tillman.

"I only wish the software I test for a living was this good..."
John Poultney

With thanks to the above for allowing us to use their words here. The news postings used above were taken from the output of just a few days in November 1995; some subsequent email material may have been substituted for clarity. Originals available on demand from the page designer.


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© 1996 Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd.
Page design by Richard Goodwin.