- T H E - I N T E R N E T - E X P E R T S -

Message "Argo Info Bulletin 29-1-96"

Posted: 29th January 1996
Source: ArgoNet Technical Support
Tel   : Sales  (0500) 585 586
Email :

New Voyager Due Soon

Version 1.04 will be ready for release in early February and includes a number of new features and fixes. You will be e-mailed with instructions on how to retrieve this as soon as it is available.

Manual Under Way

Many of you may have spotted the new manual cover artwork in Risc User - this is provisionally what it should look like but it might still change! The replacement manual is under way and should be ready late February - sorry for the delay but we are waiting for the next version of Voyager to become available as we wish to base the manual around this and not the older versions. The manual will be sent automatically once it is ready.

News Server Problems

Apologies for the continuing problems with the news server. We currently use the main Pipex server, who are our partners and provide all our Net connections. However the pressure on this appears to have become to much for it other that last couple of months so we are actively planning on setting up our own server on our Sun Sparc Station 20 in London. This will also allow us to set-up local groups taking pressure off some of the comp.sys.acorn ones that seem to have turned into Argo/Voyager discussion areas which isn't pleasing everyone who (unwisely!) access the Net via someone else! Please bare with us as this process may take a further few weeks to sort out with Pipex but rest assured it will be sorted out.


Pressure on our support service is becoming greater and greater as subscriptions grow. To help with this we use a queuing system - you are unlikely to be able to speak with a technical person when you call in. You're number will be taken and you will be called back as soon as possible. This gives us a chance to also handle the large number of e-mails we receive. We hope you have noticed that we now try and respond to all e-mails and calls within 24 hours with an answer to your questions. You'll often now get an answer just as quickly by e-mail (which is as it should be as we are an Internet company!) so please try and use the method of getting help if at all possible. We will soon put a file of our FTP site called ArgoFAQ (Frequently asked questions in case you're wondering) which you should always look at before contacting us - it will be regularly updated and will probably answer your question. We'll let you know as soon as this file is available in the next couple of weeks.

Web Space

We plan to finalise arrangements for your web space during February. The delay is due to the fact that we are still working on an easy system to allow you to update your own pages on our server - once we've sussed this one out we'll let you know!

Educational Resource Listings

We want to start a listing of educational resources on the Net as many schools are now signing up with us and we wish to provide a quality list of locations that contain relevant information for each curriculum area - and we'll pay someone to help us find it! This work can fit in around any other job as it can be done in your own time. If you think you can help us do this and want some part-time work to sift through all the information available and narrow it down to a good selection send an email to giving an idea of why you think you could help and some background info on your knowledge of the educational sector.

We hope these bulletins are of use to you. However, if you no longer wish to be on the distribution list for these then e-mail us.

Argo Support.

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