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Open URLs Quickly from BBEdit

If you're working on a bit of text (HTML or otherwise) in BBEdit, and you see a URL that you'd like to open, the fastest way is to Command-click it. Most BBEdit users probably already know this tip, but if you don't, it's a huge time-saver. (The same trick works in BBEdit's free little brother, TextWrangler.)



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 678 Next: TidBITS 680

The Case of the Tardy TidBITS

The Case of the Tardy TidBITS -- During the last week, some of you have been receiving old issues of TidBITS via email, some dating back as far as mid-March.We had received a significant number of reports of missing issues during the last several weeks, but weren't able to pinpoint a problem: from our end of things, everything looked normalShow full article

Karelia Updates to Watson 1.7

Karelia Updates to Watson 1.7 -- Karelia has released Watson 1.7, the latest version of their innovative program for viewing Web-based content in a clean custom interfaceShow full article

Palm Desktop 4.1 Released

Palm Desktop 4.1 Released -- Palm has released Palm Desktop 4.1 for Macintosh. New in this version is a Send to Handheld application that enables you to add image or MP3 music files to a Palm OS device by dropping them onto the application's iconShow full article

America 24/7 Digital Photo Project

America 24/7 Digital Photo Project -- If you're in the U.S. and want to participate in the largest collaborative photo project ever, check out the America 24/7 Web siteShow full article

TidBITS Poll: Exposing TidBITS Talk

TidBITS Poll: Exposing TidBITS Talk -- In the last few issues, we have included a short article listing the main threads in TidBITS Talk as a way of making the majority of our readers more aware of the useful content in TidBITS TalkShow full article

Apple Changes the Face of Digital Music

We've now had a week to play with the new iTunes Music Store, to analyze how well it is implemented, and to think about the effect it could have on Apple, the recording industry, artists, the peer-to-peer file sharing networks, and even physical music storesShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/05-May-03

Not surprisingly, TidBITS Talk exploded last week with discussion of Apple's new iTunes Music Store, iTunes 4, and the new iPods. The lack of support for Mac OS 9 users was a sore spot, as was the lack of international availability, given Apple's poor record with iPhoto books and printsShow full article

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