This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-05-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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The Case of the Tardy TidBITS

by Geoff Duncan

The Case of the Tardy TidBITS -- During the last week, some of you have been receiving old issues of TidBITS via email, some dating back as far as mid-March.We had received a significant number of reports of missing issues during the last several weeks, but weren't able to pinpoint a problem: from our end of things, everything looked normal. No errors were returned to us, our hosting provider digital.forest wasn't able to identify any troubles from their logs, and we had been sending the issues on time. After a few weeks of scratching our heads, we re-jiggered parts of our distribution process in an effort to get more information. Those changes seem to have cleared up the missing issue problems, but we never isolated the original cause.

Now we know: a mail server at digital.forest underwent a series of upgrades in early March as part of an effort to address security issues, and the result was that mail in several outgoing spools was not being sent, including a number of TidBITS issues. The folks at digital.forest have corrected the problem and the backlogged mail is all being delivered. So if you receive some out-of-date TidBITS issues, our apologies for the tardy delivery! [GD]