This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2003-05-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Poll: Exposing TidBITS Talk

by Adam C. Engst

TidBITS Poll: Exposing TidBITS Talk -- In the last few issues, we have included a short article listing the main threads in TidBITS Talk as a way of making the majority of our readers more aware of the useful content in TidBITS Talk. We've tried three different approaches to formatting the information, and now it's time to ask you what you think via a poll on our home page. Do you like seeing links to the moderated and edited discussions in TidBITS Talk each week, and if so, which of the three approaches (which differ primarily in brevity) do you prefer? You can see the first two approaches at the links below; this week's installment comes at the end of this issue.


Keep in mind that these brief articles do not displace other articles; they're just an addition to each issue that takes advantage of work we're already doing. Also, we're well aware that the performance of the TidBITS Talk Web archive leaves something to be desired for a variety of technical reasons; please vote as though that's not a factor, since we hope to eliminate those problems in the future. [ACE]