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Time for a Fetch Refresh?

In the Fetch FTP client, if you see a time stamp like "As of 6/19/10 2:29 PM" above the file list, that means that Fetch is re-using a file list it downloaded earlier. Click the swooshing-arrow refresh button (located beside the time stamp) to refresh the list.

Visit Fetch Softworks



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Mailsmith 1.1.4 Enhances Interface

Mailsmith 1.1.4 Enhances Interface -- Bare Bones Software has released a free update to Mailsmith 1.1.4, its powerful $80 email client. Version 1.1.4 revises Mailsmith's composition panes, and mailboxes can now be sorted (and have their columns resized) independently of the Mail BrowserShow full article

The Story of a Mistaken Attribution

The Story of a Mistaken Attribution -- In TidBITS-490, I paraphrased the famous saying about robbing banks because "that's where the money is." Unfortunately, in a bit of sloppy writing in a hotel room at 2 AM, I incorrectly attributed it to Jesse James. As I've now learned from numerous messages, the quote is more commonly attributed to Willie Sutton, another famous bank robber who died in 1980Show full article

QuicKeys 4 Presses My Buttons

Back in 1988, when Microsoft Word couldn't search and replace styles, a Classics student of mine named Adam Engst (what ever became of him?) put me wise to a solution involving macro automation, using CE Software's QuicKeysShow full article

A Case for Color

Apple's recent iBook announcement has reinvigorated discussion of Apple's hardware designs, with a focus on Apple's use of color, although Apple isn't the only computer maker to ship machines in non-neutral colorsShow full article

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