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Customize Open/Save Dialog Sidebars

You can customize the sidebar in an Open/Save dialog the same way you can in a Finder window: you can reorder the position of items, drag them off into puff-of-smoke oblivion, and even drag a folder from the dialog's list into the sidebar.

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Sharon Zardetto



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Some people have suggested that we start a regular letters section, so we've decided that a quasi-sporadic, semi-edited section does make sense. Some mailfiles will come through complete; others we'll edit for space reasonsShow full article

Input Devices, Newer and Weirder

Cool new input devices are always a hard call - on the one hand you want companies to challenge the status quo and come out with the ultimate in control, but on the other hand, if an input device is too strange looking, no one will even think of buying itShow full article

Apple Bargain Basement

A lot of people had to quiet down when Apple introduced the Classic, LC, and IIsi because those machines aren't priced to compete with workstations. They are quite affordable (though it's still easy to find PC users bellyaching about how expensive Macs are), and Apple has lowered prices on a number of other machines to spread the savings across the product line. New Suggested Retail Price Reduction Mac IIfx 4/floppy $7,369 $1,600 Mac IIfx 4/80HD $8,069 $1,800 Mac IIfx 4/160HD $8,669 $2,300 Mac IIci 4/floppy $5,269 $700 Mac IIci 4/80HD $5,969 $700 Mac SE/30 4/40HD $3,369 $1000 Mac SE/30 4/80HD $3,869 $1700 Personal LaserWriter NT $2,599 $700 LaserWriter II NT $3,999 Show full article

Learn Unix the Easy Way

Undoubtedly many reviewers have heralded the epic and factual qualities of Cliff Stoll's book "The Cuckoo's Egg." Indeed, his account of how he first discovered and then dealt with an anonymous intruder in the computer system that he managed is a potent read, and I found it difficult to lay down the book to attend to everyday choresShow full article

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