This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-03-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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Apple Bargain Basement

by Adam C. Engst

A lot of people had to quiet down when Apple introduced the Classic, LC, and IIsi because those machines aren't priced to compete with workstations. They are quite affordable (though it's still easy to find PC users bellyaching about how expensive Macs are), and Apple has lowered prices on a number of other machines to spread the savings across the product line.

                   New Suggested Retail Price          Reduction
     Mac IIfx 4/floppy          $7,369                   $1,600
     Mac IIfx 4/80HD            $8,069                   $1,800
     Mac IIfx 4/160HD           $8,669                   $2,300
     Mac IIci 4/floppy          $5,269                   $700
     Mac IIci 4/80HD            $5,969                   $700
     Mac SE/30 4/40HD           $3,369                   $1000
     Mac SE/30 4/80HD           $3,869                   $1700
     Personal LaserWriter NT    $2,599                   $700
     LaserWriter II NT          $3,999                   $500
     LaserWriter II NTX         $4,999                   $1000

In addition to these new prices, Apple is increasing the standard memory for the IIsi to 3 MB (we think that Apple will accomplish this using 512K SIMMs in the IIsi) and for the IIci to 5 MB. With the price of RAM these days, the move allows Apple to get rid of some 256K SIMMs in the IIci's and make a few friends in the process.

And finally, Apple officially dropped IIcx and IIx. Considering how useful they still are to those who own them, I doubt that muttering anything to the effect "Rest in peace" would be appropriate, especially considering that you can upgrade a IIcx to a IIci and a IIx to a IIfx.

Information from:
Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@memory.uucp
Apple propaganda